US State Department reportedly taking credit for private rescues in Afghanistan

Fox News reported this week that a group of military veterans managed to evacuate an American woman named Miriam and her three children from the Taliban-controlled country of Afghanistan.

However, organizers behind numerous privately-funded rescue groups are accusing President Joe Biden’s State Department of attempting to falsely claim credit for the rescues taking place. 

On Monday, the network quoted a State Department press release as reporting that it had “facilitated the safe departure” of the four aforementioned U.S. citizens.

The report added that the family members traveled “by overland route from Afghanistan” with State Department officials being “present upon their arrival.” That claim isn’t exactly sitting well with rescue team leader Cory Mills.

“They’re spinning this”

Mills, whose outfit is funded by a collection of private donors that includes the anti-trafficking organization Sentinel Foundation, says the State Department had little to do with what transpired.

“The fact that they’re spinning this, trying to take 100% credit when they didn’t track this family, when they placated this family, when the mother, who was under extreme stress and extreme pressure, reached out to the State Department multiple times and got no help,” Mills told Fox News.

He went on to call the State Department’s remarks “nonsense” and suggested that it is attempting to distract from President Biden’s abandonment of U.S. citizens in the terrorist-run country.

“This is an attempt to save face by the administration for the Americans they left behind,” Mills declared. “This is a woman with three children from age 15 all the way down to two-years-old.”

Mills added: “And they did nothing to try to expedite this… But at the very last minute you have these ‘senior officials’ at the State Department trying to claim credit for this like ‘oh yeah look what we’ve done.'”

“Look what we did”

“It’s like we carried the ball to the 99-and-a-half yard line and them taking it that last half yard and being like ‘look what we did,’” Mills said.

According to Fox News, the rescue of Miriam and her family involved “weeks” of effort on the part of Mills and his team members after they were first alerted to her plight by former White House physician Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX).

Jackson celebrated the successful evacuation of his constituents in a Monday tweet, writing, “Thank you to Cory Mills & the other patriots on his team for saving these BRAVE Americans!”

The post US State Department reportedly taking credit for private rescues in Afghanistan first appeared on Conservative Institute.

US State Department reportedly taking credit for private rescues in Afghanistan US State Department reportedly taking credit for private rescues in Afghanistan Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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