Sen. Graham predicts Afghanistan will once again become a warzone for US troops

Despite the deaths of 13 U.S. service personnel and an unknown number of Americans left stranded, President Joe Biden has continued to tout his botched U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

However, while all U.S military troops might have been pulled out of the Taliban-controlled country, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says it’s only a matter of time before they’ll have to go back in, Mediaite reports

Sen. Graham made the bombshell prediction during a recent interview with BBC host Stephen Sackur.

During the conversation, Graham dismissed any suggestion that Afghanistan’s new Taliban rulers have adopted a more moderate outlook.

Taliban hasn’t changed

“Whether you like Trump or not, whether you believe it’s Trump’s fault or Biden’s fault, here’s where we’re at as a world: The Taliban are not reformed, they’re not new,” Graham insisted.

The South Carolina Republican went on to point out that the radical Islamist group continues to embrace “a view of the world out of sync with modern times.”

“They’re going to impose a lifestyle on the Afghan people that I think is going to make us all sick to our stomach,” the senator insisted.

Shocking reports have emerged from Afghanistan of women being shot for failing to cover themselves while girls as young as 12 have been forced into sexual slavery, among other horrific scenarios.

However, Graham’s primary concern is that the Taliban will “give safe haven to Al Qaeda who has ambitions to drive us out of the Mid East writ large and attack us because of our way of life.”

Not the first time

“We will be going back into Afghanistan as we went back into Iraq and Syria,” Graham told Sackur, who asked if the longtime lawmaker was being serious with his prediction that U.S. troops will once again be deployed to the country to fight.

“We’ll have to,” Graham responded. “We’ll have to. Because the threat will be so large It will be a cauldron for radical Islamic behavior.”

In 2011, according to Fox News, then-President Barack Obama removed the last U.S. troops from Iraq, an accomplishment he touted in the following year’s presidential campaign. However, forces later had to be re-deployed there to confront the rising threat of the Islamic State (ISIS).

The post Sen. Graham predicts Afghanistan will once again become a warzone for US troops first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Sen. Graham predicts Afghanistan will once again become a warzone for US troops Sen. Graham predicts Afghanistan will once again become a warzone for US troops Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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