A federal judge temporarily stops Pres. Biden’s 100-day deportation moratorium

It looks as though the Trump administration’s federal court appointments are paying off as one appointee is making it difficult for President Joe Biden to get part of his immigration plan off the ground.

Breitbart reports that Judge Drew Tipton of the Southern District of Texas is about to extend a temporary restraining order on Biden’s 100-day deportation moratorium. 

The latest

It was actually CNN on Friday that first reported Tipton’s plan.

Tipton’s original restraining order was in response to a request made by Ken Paxton, the attorney general of Texas (R). Paxton is looking to challenge Biden’s 100-day deportation moratorium in court arguing that it will hurt the state of Texas.

For the time being, though, Paxton asked Tipton to institute a temporary restraining order to stop Biden’s moratorium from going into effect. Earlier this week, Tipton granted that restraining order.

Tipton originally issued the restraining order for a two week period. But now, CNN reports, that Tipton plans to extend the temporary restraining order until February 23rd.


It was as a presidential candidate that Biden first promised, upon taking office, to issue a 100-day moratorium on the deportation of all illegal immigrants from the United States. Biden fulfilled that promise during his first days in office, signing an executive order instituting the moratorium.

It was shortly thereafter that Paxton filed the lawsuit.

In granting Paxton’s request for a temporary restraining order, the Biden administration suffered its first legal defeat. It is the first occurrence of the Biden administration being prevented by the U.S. judiciary from putting a policy of his own into effect.

The administration of Donald Trump, as we know, constantly had to deal with activist judges trying to stop his policies, especially his immigration policies, from being implemented.

The current situation

According to Breitbart, it appears that border agencies are still conducting deportations, but the deportations are likely only of new arrivals, who are not covered by Biden’s 100-day moratorium.

Breitbart also notes that the temporary restraining order does not stop other aspects of Biden’s immigration plans from going into effect, such as his ” directives to sharply reduce the arrests and detention of illegal migrants.”

The post A federal judge temporarily stops Pres. Biden’s 100-day deportation moratorium first appeared on Conservative Institute.

A federal judge temporarily stops Pres. Biden’s 100-day deportation moratorium A federal judge temporarily stops Pres. Biden’s 100-day deportation moratorium Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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