Mexico’s Foreign Minister Calls Trump’s Border Closure Threat A Bluff…How Sorely Wrong He Will Soon Be!

In a firey three tweet-long announcement, President Donald Trump threatened to close the U.S./Mexico border next week if the Mexican government does not take action on illegal immigration.

Mexico’s Minister of Foreign Affairs responded to Trump’s rant, saying his country wouldn’t act of his demands.

“Mexico does not act on the basis of threats,” Ebrad tweeted Friday in Spanish.

“We are great neighbors. If not, tell the million and a half Americans that choose our country as home, the biggest community outside of the U.S. For them, we are also the best neighbor they could have.” – READ MORE

Mexico’s Foreign Minister Calls Trump’s Border Closure Threat A Bluff…How Sorely Wrong He Will Soon Be! Mexico’s Foreign Minister Calls Trump’s Border Closure Threat A Bluff…How Sorely Wrong He Will Soon Be! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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