Fox contributor Sean Duffy on Bette Midler’s proposed sex strike: ‘No one’s lining up for Bette’

The ideological left is outraged over a new Texas law prohibiting most abortions once a baby’s heartbeat is detected, usually around six weeks of pregnancy, and many different proposals have been put forward as ways for leftist women to register their disapproval and protest of the limitation of abortion as a means of birth control.

One example is actress-turned-activist Bette Midler, who suggested all women engage in a “sex strike” until the “right” of abortion was guaranteed by Congress, but a Fox News contributor mockingly dismissed that idea as particularly ineffective and meaningless, at least with regard to Midler, Mediaite reported.

That Fox contributor is former Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) and, with respect to Midler’s threat to withhold sex, he said, “No one’s lining up for Bette.”

The threat

In response to the Supreme Court declining to block the new Texas anti-abortion law from going into effect last week, Midler took to Twitter to put forward her sex-strike proposal in defense of the “right” of women to kill their unborn babies.

“I suggest that all women refuse to have sex with men until they are guaranteed the right to choose by Congress,” the 75-year-old actress tweeted.

Her ridiculous tweet came up in the discussion Monday night when Duffy joined his wife, Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy, on the network’s Primetime program.

“The less lefty pregnancies means the less lefty kids, right?” the former congressman said of the proposed sex strike, to which his wife replied, “We’re already out-producing left Democrats anyway on the children front.”

Duffy agreed and said, “But I also think that if the strike only applies to Bette Midler, I don’t think there’s any man in Texas who’s gonna disagree with this ban. They’re like, ‘Of course we’ll take that ban every day of the week.'”

“No one’s lining up for Bette,” he added.

The terms are acceptable

Sean Duffy certainly wasn’t the only one on the ideological right to laughingly dismiss the sex-strike proposal put forward by Midler and other pro-abortion leftists, and TheWrap reported that Midler herself has been the recipient of plenty of mockery from the pro-life crowd.

There were a lot of sarcastic expressions of faux horror and sadness at the idea, and definitely a slew of insults pertaining to the threat of withheld sex from the aged actress herself.

However, there was also one overarching theme that popped up repeatedly in the responses to Midler from the side of the debate that has always encouraged abstinence as the best form of birth control — namely that her terms were acceptable and that most of the pro-life crowd would have no problem with leftist women refraining from having sex if it meant fewer abortions occurred.

The post Fox contributor Sean Duffy on Bette Midler’s proposed sex strike: ‘No one’s lining up for Bette’ first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Fox contributor Sean Duffy on Bette Midler’s proposed sex strike: ‘No one’s lining up for Bette’ Fox contributor Sean Duffy on Bette Midler’s proposed sex strike: ‘No one’s lining up for Bette’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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