College football fans lash out at Biden over poor performance as the president

As President Joe Biden’s polling numbers continue to plummet in the wake of his humiliating foreign policy blunder in Afghanistan, everyday Americans who are upset with the president’s lack of leadership are making their voices heard.

Biden heard from Americans across the nation’s most packed venues over the weekend as students at several college football games spouted expletives targeting the president over his failures in Afghanistan.

Old Row Sports tweeted a video of students chanting, in unison, “F*** Joe Biden.”

A vulgar trend?

The Coastal Carolina action began to trend as a similar chant broke out during Saturday’s Virginia Tech game, and then later on at a Texas A&M football game.

Videos from college football games across the nation went viral on social media, with all of them being evident that a noticeable number of attendees at the games are obviously not fond of Biden or his White House.

The chants are in deep contrast to some of the receptions that former President Donald Trump received when attending various sporting events, as Yahoo News reported. Though Trump took his fair share of boos, the supporters almost always drowned out his haters.

Unfortunately for Biden, he’s not being received like Trump usually was, which is especially interesting given that the loud cries of disapproval are coming from college students, who tend to lean left.

Biden’s in trouble

The president has suffered in the polls as of late, with nearly all major polls showing him “underwater” on his approval numbers — meaning more voters disapprove of Biden’s performance than those who approve.

According to Fox News, Karl Rove, a former adviser to George W. Bush, told host Griff Jenkins over the weekend that Biden faces “a very rough period of time ahead of him,” pointing not only to Biden’s dismal approval rating but also to the number of issues the president will soon have to tackle before the 2022 midterm elections.

“Because COVID’s not going to go away. The economy’s not going to be roaring and going and blowing like it is. Inflation is not going to mysteriously melt away. And he’s kidding himself,” Rove said.

Rove added: “He’s got a problem. Think about the polls. They’ve gone from 51% approval in the Real Clear Politics average to depending on what poll you’re looking at, you mention that some have it as low as 43%. Think about that. That means that 16%, one out of every six supporters of Joe Biden at the beginning of August is now disapproving of his performance today.”

With NFL season around the corner, it’ll be interesting to see if NFL fans — who will finally be able to attend games in-person this year — follow the same trend as what’s happening at college football games.

The post College football fans lash out at Biden over poor performance as the president first appeared on Conservative Institute.

College football fans lash out at Biden over poor performance as the president College football fans lash out at Biden over poor performance as the president Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 07, 2021 Rating: 5

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