Tucker Carlson blasts GOP legislators for passing visa reform that will funnel tech jobs to foreign workers

Fox star Tucker Carlson isn’t holding back these days, calling out Republicans and Democrats alike for dereliction of their duty to serve the American people instead of themselves.

During his Thursday evening show, Carlson exposed Senate Republicans that are actively attempting to funnel foreign workers into high-paying jobs that could be going to millions of American graduates facing one of the worst job markets in history.

At the forefront

Though election issues dominate the headlines, Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) has quietly pushed through “green card giveaway” legislation that would allow Indian nationals to monopolize employment-based green cards for the next decade, pushing American workers out of high-paying tech positions in American companies.

Carlson slammed Senate Republicans for going along with Lee’s legislation amid the economic devastation caused by COVID-19:

Yesterday, the Republican-controlled Senate unanimously passed a law called the ‘Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act.’ As if the problem with America is that we don’t have enough fairness for people from other countries. No concern about fairness for Americans. The whole process took a matter of moments. It was led by Utah Senator Mike Lee. And without any objections, passed it.

We’ve known for a long time that Silicon Valley wants foreign workers to dominate our economy. They don’t care what kind of effect that has on Americans. What’s surprising is that in a time of mass unemployment — and that’s what we have now, mass unemployment — the Republican Party of all people is helping them do it. That’s happening.

Carlson pointed out that the scheme will destroy the job prospects of young Americans seeking education and employment in the tech sector, while allowing mega-corporations to reap the benefits of cheaper workers from India.

Holding Republicans accountable

The Fox host makes a point of holding Lee and his colleagues accountable to the people they are supposed to serve, highlighting the devastating prospects Americans face as a result of the policy.

“Again, this is all unfolding at a time when we have the highest unemployment rate in your life, mine, anyone watching the show. This is the highest unemployment rate since you’ve lived in this country,” Carlson said.

Carlson warned:

Your kids, your grandkids are not going to be able to get jobs in a lot of cases. And yet, the United States Senate, led by the Republicans, has decided to make it easier for foreigners to take — and these are not landscaping jobs — high-paying jobs, white-collar jobs, the kinds of jobs you actually want your kids to have.

Lee’s bill will be sent to the House for approval shortly, and the Democrat-controlled chamber is likely to approve the proposal as well, as it seems that encouraging big tech to game the system is the one thing both parties can agree on.

“So this bill now goes on to the House … and then on to the president who has not pledged a veto,” Carlson explained. “If Silicon Valley gets its way, it will be the first and last immigration bill this administration signs off on. Hopefully, it isn’t. And you should remember who did — Mike Lee of Utah.”

Besides Carlson’s Thursday monologue, there is very little pushback against these big tech lobbyists working to shunt jobs away from Americans to Indian nationals.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is one of the few GOP politicians willing to publically stand for American workers, tweeting on Friday: “In contrast to S386/HR1044 “Fairness for HighSkilled Immigrants” I am the sponsor of HR3564 “Fairness for HighSkilled AMERICANS Act” which would eliminate the unauthorized and uncapped OPT program that currently incentivizes employment discrimination against US citizens.”

The post Tucker Carlson blasts GOP legislators for passing visa reform that will funnel tech jobs to foreign workers first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Tucker Carlson blasts GOP legislators for passing visa reform that will funnel tech jobs to foreign workers Tucker Carlson blasts GOP legislators for passing visa reform that will funnel tech jobs to foreign workers Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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