It was announced Tuesday that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) had been chosen as presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s running mate, and hours later Fox News host Tucker Carlson took to the airwaves to offer his assessment.
Carlson devoted the opening segment of his show to explaining why he believes Harris to be empty, insincere, and the sort of politician who would be incredibly dangerous for the nation if she were to gain power.
“Transactional” and untrustworthy
The Fox host began by acknowledging his erroneous prediction that former National Security Adviser Susan Rice would be the VP pick, someone he said was a “hardened partisan, but she is not stupid, and more to the point she has sincere beliefs, whether you like them or not — and we don’t.”
“But Kamala Harris is the opposite of that,” he continued. “Harris may be the single most transactional human being in America. There are timeshare salesmen you would trust more than Kamala Harris. You could find payday lenders who are more sincere.”
“So, it seemed inconceivable that given his current state, Joe Biden would choose someone so transparently one-dimensional as Kamala Harris, someone as empty as he is,” he added. “It would be the first entirely hollow presidential ticket in American history and we thought it could never happen. But it is. They’re doing it anyway.”
Two blank slates
Carlson proceeded to note the fact that Harris was soundly rejected by Democratic primary voters, yet nonetheless was picked by the party to be on Biden’s ticket. Similarly, Biden has never been particularly popular with the party base either, yet somehow managed to outlast all of the other primary candidates to become the presumptive nominee.
He noted that, ideally, in order to win, the party would want somebody with a “built-in constituency, a base of passionate voters you could count on on Election Day. But as it turns out, that is the last thing the leaders of the modern Democratic Party wanted. They already had a candidate like that, in fact, his name was Bernie Sanders, and they did everything they could to stop him.”
“What they wanted instead was someone they could control and Joe Biden fit that description perfectly,” Carlson said. “Biden was eager, malleable, and totally blank. He was willing to be whatever his handlers wanted him to be.”
“Kamala Harris will be every bit as eager, and that’s the point. If Biden and Harris still doesn’t make sense to you as a ticket, it’s only because you are not cynical enough,” he added. Watch:
The fakest of the fake
Carlson continued with his monologue for several more minutes, highlighting Harris’ paper-thin persona and revealing her decidedly progressive stance on a host of important issues. He also drew attention to her long list of flip-flops — including her prior attacks on Biden during the primary season — and slammed the media’s preemptive decree that any criticism of Harris is racist and sexist.
Kamala Harris is indeed the epitome of a fake politician. She is an empty vessel ready and willing to be guided in any direction by party handlers or popular sentiment, whichever is most politically expedient. In other words, she is a younger version of Biden who can still speak in complete sentences.

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