For months, conservatives have argued that Joe Biden isn’t up to the job of serving as president and may not fulfill a term in office if elected, and now it appears that an increasing number on the left are are starting to agree.
The message was implicit in a recent tweet from CNN regarding the former vice president’s decision to select Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) to serve as his running mate.
“Joe Biden made the pick that maximized his chances of continuing to make the race a straight referendum on Trump while also selecting someone whose resume suggests being ready to step in, if and when Biden decides to step aside,” it read.
“A younger generation of leader”
The tweeted quote came from a recent column by CNN political commentator Chris Cillizza, who laid out the benefits he believes Harris can bring to the table as a candidate.
Among them is the simple fact that she is significantly more youthful than the geriatric Biden, who, if elected would be the oldest person ever to take the oath of office.
“At 55 years old, she represents a younger generation of leader — something that Biden, who will be 78 on Inauguration Day 2021, said was a major factor in his choice,” Cillizza wrote.
Cause for concern
Biden and Harris’ age disparity may indeed become a major factor, as recent polling data suggests that many Americans believe the former vice president is indeed experiencing marked cognitive decline.
In late June, Rasmussen published a survey showing that 38% of voters thought Biden was “suffering from some form of dementia,” while another 14% said they weren’t sure.
What’s more, 20% of Democrats thought that their party’s presumptive nominee was mentally impaired, while the figure rose to 30% among independents.
Further, a subsequent Rasmussen poll published this week reported that 59% of likely voters believe that Biden will not serve a full term if elected.
That number includes just under half of all surveyed Democrats and 57% of voters who are not affiliated with either major party. Among Republicans, the number rose to an overwhelming 73%.
Younger voters are the most pessimistic of Biden’s chances of remaining in the White House, but the skepticism expressed by voters in virtually every age group should give the Biden campaign real cause for concern.
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