Latest Polls Show Liz Warren Is 100% More Likely To Be Indian Than President!

“It’s hard to see how she survives a loss in Massachusetts.”

An Emerson poll released Sunday shows that presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warn, D-M.A.., is polling well behind other candidates in her home state of Massachusetts.

The poll, Emerson’s first of the 2020 election cycle, shows Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., leading the way in the dependably blue state with 26% of the vote. Following Sanders in a close second is former Vice President Joe Biden, with 23%. Warren sits a distant third, capturing 14% of those polled.

Other candidates with strong numbers in the state include South Bend, I.N. Mayor Pete Buttigieg at 11%. Former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke came in at 8%, while Sen. Kamala Harris, D-C.A., came in with 7% of the vote. Of those polled, 5% said they were looking for another candidate.

The numbers are sure to be disappointing for Warren, who was seen by many as a potential favorite in the crowded field when she first announced her 2020 run. But her candidacy has been plagued by controversy, most notably her being forced to apologize after using a DNA test in an attempt to prove her Native American ancestry.

Spencer Kimball, Director of Emerson Polling, told the New Hampshire Journal the numbers are sure to “put even more pressure on Warren to perform well in the Granite State because she obviously hasn’t shored up her base at home.”

“If she loses in the early states, particularly New Hampshire, it’s hard to see how she survives a loss in Massachusetts,” Kimball said.

Warren even sits behind Joe Biden in her home state, despite the recent accusations against Biden from women who claim the former vice president touched them without their consent.

Many analysts believe Warren and Bernie Sanders will be competing for the same far-left voters. However, trailing the Vermont Senator by 12 percentage points in her home state certainly can’t be the way Warren envisioned kicking off her push for the White House.

Via Pluralist

Latest Polls Show Liz Warren Is 100% More Likely To Be Indian Than President! Latest Polls Show Liz Warren Is 100% More Likely To Be Indian Than President! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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