Rep. Ilhan Omar Cries Because ‘Trump’s America’ Won’t Conform To Her ANTI-American, Judeophobic Ideology

Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Somali-refugee-turned-Democratic congresswoman from Minnesota, said in a published interview Friday that living in the U.S. under President Trump’s administration is “an everyday assault.”

Omar, 37, is best-known for the enmity she’s stirred up over allegations American lawmakers supportive of Israel have been bought off. In a Vogue Arabia interview, Omar lamented her difficulties with living in America during the Trump era.

“It’s an everyday assault. Every day, a part of your identity is threatened, demonized, and vilified. Trump is tapping into an ugly part of our society and freeing its ugliness. It’s been a challenge to try to figure out how to continue the inclusion; how to show up every day and make sure that people who identify with all the marginalized identities I carry, feel represented,” Omar said. – READ MORE

Via TruePundit

Rep. Ilhan Omar Cries Because ‘Trump’s America’ Won’t Conform To Her ANTI-American, Judeophobic Ideology Rep. Ilhan Omar Cries Because ‘Trump’s America’ Won’t Conform To Her ANTI-American, Judeophobic Ideology Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on March 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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