Trump’s Longtime Friend – WWE Chairman Vince McMahon – Is Ready to Take on the NFL with New League

WWE CEO Vince McMahon announced in a Thursday press conference that he is bringing back the XFL in 2020.

From Breitbart:

According to McMahon, the XFL will be a “re-imagined” football game with eight teams, with the locations still undecided. He added that the league will differ from the NFL with safety issues, fewer rules, including a sped-up game, and the emphasis on getting back to football.

McMahon told reporters in a live stream on Periscope that the league will have “nothing” to do with politics or social issues.

“We’re here to play football,” McMahon stated.

XFL players will be required to stand for the National Anthem. McMahon told ESPN that players in his league will not be given the platform to take a personal stance while on the playing field.

“It’s a time-honored tradition to stand,” he said Thursday. “I think it would be appropriate to do that.”

Will the XFL be a real competitor for the XFL this time around, especially with the NFL’s drastically drowning ratings and scandals? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

by Thomas Robertson via enVolve
Trump’s Longtime Friend – WWE Chairman Vince McMahon – Is Ready to Take on the NFL with New League Trump’s Longtime Friend – WWE Chairman Vince McMahon – Is Ready to Take on the NFL with New League Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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