The Democratic Party is SCRAMBLING After Major Donor Backs Out Thanks To Shutdown

Democratic billionaire mega-donor Tom Steyer will not donate to the Democratic party due to the shutdown deal – this is what the Dems are doing to themselves, and the sting they will feel from this will be huge.

From Conservative Post:

Hedge fund manager and Democratic billionaire mega-donor Tom Steyer said Wednesday that he will refrain from donating to national Democratic Party committees following the vote in Congress to re-open the government before reaching an immigration deal.

“I don’t have a litmus test on any one thing, but I do have a litmus test for elected officials standing on principle and doing the right thing, looked at holistically. And I want to say that after the DACA vote I have decided not to give anything to the national party committees,” Steyer said in an interview with Fortune Wednesday.

When asked if this included the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, (DSCC) and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), he confirmed it applied to all three. He said he had not discussed this decision with the committees.

The DSCC and DCCC did not immediately respond to request for comment. The DNC said in a statement that it welcomes the work of Steyer’s organization, NextGen America.

“The more money flowing toward efforts to elect Democratic candidates the better,” said DNC spokesman Michael Tyler.”We saw last fall in Virginia — where NextGen, among many other emerging progressive groups, deployed dozens of organizers across the state — how successful we can be when we’re united in our efforts to elect Democrats up and down the ballot.”

How big of a hole will this leave in the Dems budget? Do you think that this could cause a domino effect, and we will see more major donors, including celebrities, start backing away from their party?

by Thomas Robertson via enVolve
The Democratic Party is SCRAMBLING After Major Donor Backs Out Thanks To Shutdown The Democratic Party is SCRAMBLING After Major Donor Backs Out Thanks To Shutdown Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on January 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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