Former Vice President Mike Pence, in a speech on Tuesday, called upon the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the landmark abortion case Roe v. Wade, Fox News reports.
Pence’s comments come as the justices on the Supreme Court are getting ready to hear oral arguments in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which will take place on December 1st. Overturning Roe, or at least significantly restricting it is within the realm of possibility.
Dobbs has to do with the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that, essentially, bans abortions at the 15-week mark of a pregnancy, which is before the age of viability. Roe, followed by Planned Parenthood v. Casey, established that pre-viability abortions are a woman’s right, and Casey added that a state cannot enact legislation that places an “undue burden” on this right.
So, the justices of the Supreme Court, which now has a conservative majority, have the opportunity to significantly change abortion law, and Pence on Tuesday urged them to take this opportunity.
“Nothing has been more destabilizing”
Pence’s comments came on Tuesday during a speech that he gave at the National Press Club.
“The truth is nothing has been more destabilizing in our society for the last 50 years than legalized abortion,” Pence said. “I believe it’s no coincidence that the last half-century has seen a persistent rise in family instability, single-parent households, a decline in family formation, increase in unplanned pregnancies, and an explosion in sexually transmitted disease.”
Pence also went on to argue that, since Roe, “unborn children have been relegated into a caste of second-class citizens – devoid of the most basic human rights.”
You won’t really find a politician giving a more emphatic pro-life speech than the one Pence gave on Tuesday.
The Dems’ warning
Democrats, meanwhile, have been urging the Supreme Court to overturn Mississippi’s anti-abortion law.
“Mississippi’s draconian abortion ban – one in a heartbreaking and nationwide assault against women’s freedoms – is unconstitutional,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said. “As the brief makes clear, the constitutional right to an abortion has been resoundingly affirmed.”
At least one Democrat has also hinted at a “revolution” should the Supreme Court overturn Roe and Casey. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) is reported as saying:
I hope the Supreme Court is listening to the people of the United States because – to go back to Adam Sexton’s question – I think if you want to see a revolution go ahead, outlaw Roe v. Wade and see what the response is of the public, particularly young people. Because I think that will not be acceptable to young women or young men.
Although the Supreme Court will hear Dobbs on Wednesday, a decision would not be expected until next summer.
The post Former VP Pence calls on SCOTUS to overturn Roe v. Wade first appeared on Conservative Institute.
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