BREAKING: Trump Scores MASSIVE Victory – Jan 6 News Dems NEVER Thought Would Happen

Earlier this year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi appointed a special committee that’s tasked with investigate the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill.

Most Republicans insist that the effort is simply an attempt to smear supporters of former President Trump. This week, some evidence emerged that appears to bolster their claim.  

According to the Washington Examiner, the committee sent a subpoena on November 8 to Bernard Kerik, someone who assisted Rudy Giuliani with investigating the 2020 election outcome.

Toll records show Kerik was not in Washington

It alleged that Kerik “reportedly participated in a meeting on January 5, 2021, at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., in which Rudolph Giuliani, Stephen Bannon, John Eastman, and others discussed options for overturning the results of the November 2020 election such as, among other things, pressuring Vice President Pence to not certify the electoral college results.'”

“According to public accounts, you paid for rooms and suites in Washington, D.C. hotels that served as election-related command centers, and you also worked with Mr. Giuliani since at least as early as November 5, 2020 to investigate allegations of voter fraud and promote ‘Stop the Steal’ efforts.”

As evidence, the subpoena cited two Washington Post articles. Yet as the Examiner noted, neither article actually stated Kerik was present at the January 5 meeting.

Instead, the articles state that Kerik was at the Willard Hotel “around” the time of January 6. What’s more, Just the News has reported that New York City toll records show Kerik was not in Washington on the day in question.

That information lead the committee to send a Kerik’s attorney a follow up letter correcting its prior claim about the January 5 meeting.

January 6 committee has been controversial from the start

“In advance of our deposition of Mr. Kerik, we wanted to correct an error in the letter accompanying the subpoena,” Just the News quoted the letter as saying.

“Nonetheless, the Select Committee still believes that Mr. Kerik has information about efforts to evaluate claims of election fraud and other matters relevant to its inquiry,” it added.

The January 6 committee has been controversial from its inception, with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy complaining in July that his caucus had been prevented from selecting members to sit on it.

“Speaker Pelosi has taken the unprecedented step of denying the minority party’s picks for the select committee on Jan. 6,” Fox News quoted McCarthy as saying.

The post BREAKING: Trump Scores MASSIVE Victory – Jan 6 News Dems NEVER Thought Would Happen first appeared on Conservative Institute.

BREAKING: Trump Scores MASSIVE Victory – Jan 6 News Dems NEVER Thought Would Happen BREAKING: Trump Scores MASSIVE Victory – Jan 6 News Dems NEVER Thought Would Happen Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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