Pres. Biden comes out in favor of amending or possibly ending the Senate filibuster

President Biden this week came out in favor of, at least partially, eliminating the Senate filibuster, Breitbart reports

Where is the guy who on the presidential trial claimed to be a “moderate” Democrat?

“And maybe more”

Biden discussed the Senate filibuster during the recent town hall event that was held by CNN on Thursday. There, he was asked where he stands on the Senate filibuster, and he began by suggesting that an amendment be made to it.

Biden said:

It used to be you had to stand on the floor and exhaust everything you had, and when you gave up the floor, and someone else sought the floor, they had to talk until they finished. You’re only allowed to do it a second time. After that, it’s over. You vote. I propose we bring that back now, immediately.

By what followed, however, Biden seemed to suggest that this is only a temporary solution. Long term, he said that “we’re going to have to move to the point where we fundamentally alter the filibuster” or “end the filibuster straight up.”

Then, Biden declared that, right now, he is in favor of ending the filibuster in order to pass the so-called voting right legislation that the Democrats have been trying to push through Congress.

And, when Biden was asked to confirm this he said, “and maybe more,” making it clear that he is open to ending the filibuster for other legislation as well.


With the Senate filibuster in place, 60 votes are needed to get a piece of legislation through the U.S. Senate.

With the current makeup of that upper chamber, this Senate filibuster has proven to be a thorn in the Democrats’ side. That’s because the Senate is divided 50 to 50, meaning that anytime the Democrats want to get a piece of legislation through, they need the support of 10 Republicans.

In non-budgetary matters, the Republicans have been using the filibuster to block radical legislation, including, recently, the Democrats’ so-called “Freedom to Vote Act.” Budgetary matters are a bit of a different story as the Democrats can use the reconciliation process, which essentially lowers the 60-vote threshold to a simple majority. The Democrats are currently trying to use reconciliation to push through a multi-trillion-dollar spending proposal.

But, every time the Republicans use the filibuster to block a piece of legislation, the Democrats respond by threatening to get rid of the filibuster. So far, the filibuster has survived these threats because of Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV). Without his support, the Democrats can’t nuke the filibuster, and Manchin has remained firmly against the idea.

We now know that Biden stands with the extremists in his party. Could you believe that this guy campaigned as a moderate? Is there anything a Democrat won’t say to get elected?

The post Pres. Biden comes out in favor of amending or possibly ending the Senate filibuster first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pres. Biden comes out in favor of amending or possibly ending the Senate filibuster Pres. Biden comes out in favor of amending or possibly ending the Senate filibuster Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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