Texas Gov. signs constitutional carry law effective September 1

Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott signed a new law on Thursday to make Texas the 21st state to legalized constitutional carry.

The new law goes into effect September 1. HB 1927 will allow Texans 21-years-old or older to carry a handgun without a permit.

Welcome to the Club!

Gun Owners of American tweeted, “Welcome to the Constitutional Carry Club, Texas!”

The signing was met with much enthusiasm by many Texas lawmakers.

Some Still Oppose

Not everyone was pleased. Democratic Rep. Veronica Escobar spoke out against the law on Thursday.

The lawmaker said, “The permitless carry bill will cause more violence and loss. Despite overwhelming support for common-sense gun violence prevention legislation like universal background checks, Texas Republicans, led by a cowardly governor, are more interested in groveling for the gun lobby’s attention than they are in preventing gun violence and honoring victims and survivors in El Paso and across Texas.”

The Texas Tribune noted, “Before the permitless carry law was signed, Texans generally needed to be licensed to carry handguns openly or concealed. Applicants had to submit fingerprints, complete four to six hours of training, and pass a written exam and a shooting proficiency test.”

Texas joins 20 others states that now allow constitutional carry. They include Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming, according to Breitbart News.

The new law will largely be celebrated by the many gun embracing Texans and a win for Second Amendment advocates nationwide.

The post Texas Gov. signs constitutional carry law effective September 1 first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Texas Gov. signs constitutional carry law effective September 1 Texas Gov. signs constitutional carry law effective September 1 Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 18, 2021 Rating: 5

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