Former Trump staffer: Biden, Harris intentionally insulted fallen soldiers on Memorial Day

Many Americans were offended but not altogether surprised when Kamala Harris described Memorial Day as nothing more than a “long weekend” to relax.

While the vice president later attempted some damage control, the disrespect she showed was a “feature,” not a “bug,” of a White House that demonstrates its contempt for America on a daily basis, according to former Trump staffer Kelly Sadler.

“America is an idea”

Well before Memorial Day arrived, Biden and Harris had made clear how little they think of America by habitually attacking the nation as “systemically racist” and morally bankrupt, as Sadler noted in a Washington Times column.

“It’s a feature, not a bug in the Biden administration’s communication with America — a nation they view as systemically racist, economically broken, morally starved, and in need of a fundamental, transformational change,” she wrote.

When Biden isn’t actively maligning America as racist, he diminishes its greatness with platitudes like “America is an idea,” as Sadler pointed out.

Of course, if America is just an “idea” that Biden and his allies judge lacking — rather than a home that deserves to be cherished and protected — then they can justify transforming it as they see fit, Sadler points out.

What they have done so far does not evince love for the homeland. They have flung open our borders. They’re dividing the country with hateful, anti-American critical race theory, which they’re even pushing on the military itself. They treat soldiers like armed guards for the Democratic Party.

No rest for anti-American propaganda

Indeed, for Biden and Harris, the propaganda never stops — not even on the most solemn of days.

Americans couldn’t have one day of respite from Biden’s hate-mongering to mourn the fallen, as Sadler notes, as Biden marked Memorial Day by picking at the scab of a 100-year-old race riot in Tulsa, Oklahoma to further inflame racial tensions in an already divided nation.

As Americans thought of those who sacrificed their lives to defend the country, Biden called for reflection on “the deep roots of racial terror in our Nation.”

What is the purpose of this obscene rhetoric? And what is it that Biden and Harris think the fallen died protecting if America is as evil as they describe?

Of course, they are only the cynical mouthpieces of a globalist regime. It’s doubtful that they believe half the things they say. But if they did, would they act any differently?

The post Former Trump staffer: Biden, Harris intentionally insulted fallen soldiers on Memorial Day first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Former Trump staffer: Biden, Harris intentionally insulted fallen soldiers on Memorial Day Former Trump staffer: Biden, Harris intentionally insulted fallen soldiers on Memorial Day Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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