Secret Service agents arrest illegal aliens protesting Biden near White House

Given the massive wave of illegal immigrants crossing America’s southern border, President Joe Biden has been accused of adopting a radically weak stance on illegal immigration.

However, a recent report suggests that Biden’s administration takes a far more aggressive approach when the issue personally affects the president. According to Breitbart, the Secret Service arrested a group of illegal aliens as they blockaded an intersection near the White House on Friday.

The individuals were affiliated with an organization called Movimiento Cosecha, which published a press release that included complaints regarding how Biden has handled immigration.

“President Biden ended his first 100 days in office with broken promises and insufficient action for my community,” said organizer Gema Lowe.

Activists aren’t satisfied

Lowe continued, “Biden originally committed to a pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants. Now he is ready to pursue a ‘piecemeal’ strategy instead that would exclude me and millions of others who have lived in this country for decades.”

“We deserve better,” she insisted, adding, “That is why today I am willing to risk arrest, detention, and deportation to demand papers, not crumbs.”

Fellow organizer and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipient Hector Morales declared, “The current legislation the Democrats are pushing only focuses on a small portion of undocumented immigrants.”

Even though I would qualify under the current Dream and Promise Act, I am risking arrest today to tell President Biden that I won’t accept piecemeal bills that exclude and criminalize my own community members,” he said. 

Morales went on to stress that he too would not accept “crumbs” from the administration and demanded a policy of “permanent protection for all.”

Sharp drop in arrests

Friday’s arrests were notable given the fact that leaked emails from the Department of Homeland Security show that far fewer aliens with criminal convictions have been taken into custody since Biden was inaugurated.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) last week released an internal email he obtained from Acting Executive Associate Director Enrique Lucero explaining that the number has fallen by half, something Brnovich described as a “shocking” The Daily Wire reported.

“The DHS records we have obtained convey a shocking disregard for the safety of American communities by the Biden Administration,” Brnovich said in a statement.

The post Secret Service agents arrest illegal aliens protesting Biden near White House first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Secret Service agents arrest illegal aliens protesting Biden near White House Secret Service agents arrest illegal aliens protesting Biden near White House Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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