‘Enough already’: Fox star Lara Logan slams Delta Airlines over criticism of Georgia election law

Under threat of boycotts and activist-led pressure campaigns, a growing number of major corporations have publicly denounced new election reform laws like one that recently passed in the state of Georgia. But after the chaos that was the 2020 presidential race, it was clear that something had to be done — and now, one conservative voice is calling out those who say otherwise.

Fox News contributor Lara Logan went nuclear on Friday against the CEOs of companies decrying the new and improved election rules, calling the executives “pathetic, weak-moral cowards” who are merely bowing to the cancel culture mob.

“Enough already”

Logan’s tirade came during Friday’s episode of Fox’s Outnumbered. She was responding to recent public comments expressing opposition to Georgia’s new election integrity law from the CEO of the Atlanta-based Delta Airlines.

“Why is the legislation being reviewed by the CEO of any private company? ” Logan said, according to Fox. “I mean, you know what? What comes to mind for me is what Davy Crockett said — I think he said it best — ‘Y’all can all go to hell, and I’ll go to Texas.’ OK?”

She went on:

Because I’m sick and tired. I know I speak on behalf of millions of people in this country who want to say to the pathetic, weak-moral cowards who are leading these companies, who are so worried about the mob and cancel culture and everybody else, it’s enough already. Time to stop.

“We all know what real racism is and what real racism looks like, and you’re not fooling anybody,” Logan added. “It’s dishonest. It’s fundamentally morally depraved.”

Corporate tyranny

Logan also called the move from the airline executive — and others who have blasted the Georgia law — “tyrannical.”

“That’s what we’re really looking at here. This is a form of tyranny,” the Fox contributor reportedly said. “And the real question is, why don’t you want more secure voting laws? What’s wrong with that? Because no one here is trying to talk about how we can make the bill better, what we can really do that addresses concerns.”

She went on: “No, what they are talking about is how to silence and intimidate and oppress every single person who doesn’t agree with them. So you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to fly Southwest. That’s what I’m going to do.”

“Crystal clear”

In his statement, which came in the form of a memo to employees, Delta CEO Ed Bastian called the new Georgia law “unacceptable” and said it “does not match Delta’s values,” according to NBC News.

Similar remarks came later that day from Coca-Cola CEO James Quincey. “Let me be crystal clear and unequivocal, this legislation is unacceptable,” he said, according to NBC.

As Lara Logan said, enough is enough — and at some point, these corporations are going to have to decide who they fear most: the loud activists who make up the “woke” mob, or the quiet consumers whose cash keeps their lights on?

The post ‘Enough already’: Fox star Lara Logan slams Delta Airlines over criticism of Georgia election law first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Enough already’: Fox star Lara Logan slams Delta Airlines over criticism of Georgia election law ‘Enough already’: Fox star Lara Logan slams Delta Airlines over criticism of Georgia election law Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on April 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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