‘It is your duty’ to question Fauci after lies to American people, Thomas Massie says

For about a year now, Americans have been told that Dr. Anthony Fauci is the most trusted authority on the coronavirus. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) is not so sure.

Far from the paragon of virtue that has been portrayed to the public, Massie said Fauci has shown that he is “comfortable” lying to the people and must be “questioned,” the Washington Examiner reported

Massie: Fauci cannot be trusted

Massie tweeted Monday that Americans have a “duty” to doubt the so-called “science” being sold by Fauci and others in government, since they cannot be trusted to shoot straight.

“Once you realize the personal ethical standards of policy makers like Dr Fauci and many of those at the CDC lead them to comfortably misrepresent scientific data in order to achieve public policy goals, it is not just your prerogative to question their ‘science,’ it is your duty,” he said.

Massie is not alone in his sentiments.

While Fauci has won many admirers since becoming a fixture in cable news a year ago — his adherents see him as the ideal public servant, and he certainly has the salary to back it up — for many others, Fauci is a more capricious figure, a tyrant even, whose elfish features belie a giant, world-straddling ego.

Fauci’s guidance has been all over the place, with masks serving as exhibit A in his comedy of errors. Early on, Fauci said that they weren’t necessary before doing a 180 degree turn, and now, he says that two are needed.

Fauci’s lies

While Fauci has been criticized for such arbitrary guidance, some of his advice, like telling Americans it was safe to have casual sex with strangers early on in the pandemic, has been downright bizarre. He also admitted to lying about the percentage of vaccinations necessary to reach herd immunity.

Although 2021 has only just begun, Fauci left many annoyed Sunday when he said that Americans may have to keep wearing masks until 2022. As he often does, he said it could be some time before a “degree of normality” is conceivable.

To many, this was the latest whimsical prediction from a government scientist who has seemed to make things up as he goes along, all while remaining insulated from the destructive consequences he has helped unleash on struggling business owners and schoolchildren.

Safely ensconced in his government sinecure, however, Fauci is feeling his oats, even saying he felt “liberated” with Donald Trump out of the White House.

Massie’s got a point. The government isn’t going to check itself, that’s for sure, and Fauci knows as well as anyone that the new president “believes in science.”

The post ‘It is your duty’ to question Fauci after lies to American people, Thomas Massie says first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘It is your duty’ to question Fauci after lies to American people, Thomas Massie says ‘It is your duty’ to question Fauci after lies to American people, Thomas Massie says Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 23, 2021 Rating: 5

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