Anti-Trump Lincoln Project co-founder busted for inappropriate interactions with young men

Former President Donald Trump was relentlessly attacked by “Never-Trump” Republicans throughout his entire time in office, and none so vindictive as the individuals behind the Lincoln Project, a political action committee created by a group of RINOs to attack Trump and his supporters.

The Lincoln Project was lionized by the mainstream media and leftists nationwide for its “principled stand” against Trump, but according to a bombshell report from the New York Times, project co-founder John Weaver has been accused of routinely engaging in decidedly un-principled — and downright criminal — activities for years. 

Exposed in public

Political consultant Ryan James Girdusky first broke the story of Weaver’s inappropriate conduct early in January, but the mainstream media quashed the report.

After the New York Times picked it up, however, the allegations could no longer be ignored. Weaver was accused by at least 21 men of sending unwarranted and sexually charged messages. One of Weaver’s accusers said he was 14 years old when Weaver began harassing him.

Weaver allegedly told one young man that he would “spoil you when we see each other” and “help you other times. Give advice, counsel, help with bills. You help me … sensually.”

Lincoln Project leadership was forced to disavow Weaver’s misconduct after the Times made it impossible to ignore, with co-founder Steve Schmidt responding to the accusations by feigning ignorance, telling the outlet that he had “no awareness or insinuations of any type of inappropriate behavior when we became aware of the chatter at the time.”

The group issued a joint statement on Sunday declaring that Weaver led a “secret life” and is a “predator, a liar, and an abuser,” adding that they are ” disgusted and outraged that someone in a position of power and trust would use it for these means.”

Lincoln Project implicated

Girdusky responded to the group’s statement by declaring that it’s “an absolute lie,” alleging that the PAC’s leadership was aware of Weaver’s conduct.

“Members did know,” Girdusky wrote on Twitter. “Young men approached them about the accusations. Members knew I was writing the story and warned John Weaver.”

The Lincoln Project leadership has feigned ignorance to Weaver’s inappropriate conduct, claiming that there were no signs warning them of his “secret” life.

However, longtime GOP institution Karl Rove warned decades ago that Weaver had a history of making inappropriate passes at young men, which the media at the time characterized as a “smear campaign” against Weaver.

After Weaver admitted on January 15th that he did indeed harass young men with inappropriate massages despite having a wife and children, and the media again passed it off as a closeted gay man at war with himself and nothing more. As more sinister evidence comes out, the media and the complicit anti-Trump GOP find themselves in a very uncomfortable position.

The post Anti-Trump Lincoln Project co-founder busted for inappropriate interactions with young men first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project co-founder busted for inappropriate interactions with young men Anti-Trump Lincoln Project co-founder busted for inappropriate interactions with young men Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on February 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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