Biden is ready to announce a surprising pick for HHS secretary

The New York Times reports that Joe Biden, the mainstream media’s “president-elect,” has selected Xavier Bacerra, the Democratic attorney general of California, to lead the Department of Health and Human Services (HSS). 

The selection of Bacerra for the HHS role was not expected. Instead, reports had previously indicated that Bacerra was among Biden’s front-runners for U.S. attorney general.

Who is Bacerra?

Since 2017, Bacerra has been California’s attorney general. He succeeded Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who had vacated that position when she left for Congress.

As California’s attorney general, Bacerra has brought an astronomical number of lawsuits – more than 100 – against the administration of President Donald Trump. The lawsuits, mostly, have targeted Trump’s policies on immigration, the environment, and health care.

Before taking over for Harris, Bacerra had spent twelve terms in Congress where he represented Los Angeles. During one well-known incident in the late 1990s, Becerra took a trip to Cuba to visit Fidel Castro.

Pro-Medicare for All

Over the years, Bacerra has become known for his endorsement of far-left policies, particularly far-left health care policies.

In October of 2017, for example, Becerra, in a tweet, said that he “Absolutely!” supports Medicare for All, the same Medicare for All sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and other so-called Democrat-socialists. “I was a supporter of it for all the 24 years that I was in Congress,” Becerra wrote.

According to the Times, though, Becerra, as HHS secretary, would go along with Biden’s plan to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, which Becerra has also championed.


Becerra is additionally known for his support of “women’s rights,” which is code for being pro-abortion.

As Breitbart reports, Bacerra, as California attorney general, continued Harris’ “prosecution of David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) after the video journalists exposed Planned Parenthood officials and their associates in the biomedical procurement industry discussing fetal tissue harvesting and sales.”

Biden’s selection of Becerra has thus prompted the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List group to put out a statement, which read, in part:

Becerra is aggressively pro-abortion and a foe of free speech. As attorney general of California, he continued what his predecessor Kamala Harris started by persecuting citizen journalists who exposed Planned Parenthood’s role in baby parts trafficking. Not only that, he went all the way to the Supreme Court to try to force California’s pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise and refer for abortion – a policy the Court rejected as unconstitutional. In Congress, he even voted in favor of partial-birth abortion.

Biden is expected to officially announce his selection of Becerra for HHS secretary early this week. It’s an understatement to say that Americans ought to be concerned about this one.

The post Biden is ready to announce a surprising pick for HHS secretary first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Biden is ready to announce a surprising pick for HHS secretary Biden is ready to announce a surprising pick for HHS secretary Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on December 07, 2020 Rating: 5

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