Nancy Pelosi says no coronavirus relief deal is coming before Election Day

The coronavirus pandemic lockdowns have wrecked havoc on the U.S. economy, leaving many of its citizens out of work and struggling to pay their bills.

This week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had a simple message for those Americans who were hoping for some kind of relief legislation before the election: you’re out of luck. 

Everyone’s to blame but her

Pelosi made the point clear on Tuesday in a letter to House Democrats, according to NBC News. “For a long time now, Congressional Democrats have laid out a strategic plan to crush the virus,” the letter read.

The long-time California congresswoman placed the blame on the Trump administration and Senate Republicans for the lack of progress.

“The White House and Mitch McConnell have resisted, and on Sunday, Mark Meadows told us why saying ‘We’re not going to control the pandemic,'” she alleged.

The letter continued, “From ‘hoax’ to hundreds of thousands dead, the White House has failed miserably — not by accident, but by decision. Now we know why they resisted science at the expense of lives, livelihoods and the life of our democracy. Again, it was a decision to do so.”

Trump hits back

President Donald Trump hit back at Pelosi’s blame shifting, pointing out that Pelosi insisted on packing the bill with Democrat initiatives unrelated to helping the American people.

“Nancy Pelosi is only interested in bailing out badly-run, crime-ridden Democrat cities and states. That’s all she is interested in,” Trump said, according to The Hill. “She is not interested in helping the people.”

The president continued, “After the election, we will get the best stimulus package you have ever seen. I think we are going to take back the House because of her.”

Some Democrats have lost patience with Pelosi

However, it’s not just the president who has pointed fingers at Pelosi for refusing to get a bill passed, as even members of her own party blame have urged her to make something happen.

Among them are former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), who both called on Pelosi to help hurting Americans by compromising on a deal.

Pelosi dismissed their concerns as out of touch. “They are not negotiating this situation,” Pelosi told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer earlier this month. “They have no idea of the particulars. They have no idea of what the language is here.”

The post Nancy Pelosi says no coronavirus relief deal is coming before Election Day first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Nancy Pelosi says no coronavirus relief deal is coming before Election Day Nancy Pelosi says no coronavirus relief deal is coming before Election Day Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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