‘It’s time for Roe v. Wade to go’: Sen. Cotton, a possible SCOTUS pick, addresses abortion in tweet

Among the most common reasons many social conservatives support President Donald Trump is his ongoing commitment to appoint judges aligned with their values.

U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), who has been listed among those the president is considering for a possible U.S. Supreme Court post, recently sparked partisan criticism by addressing a key social issue and signaling his apparent support for overturning the 1973 ruling that declared abortion illegal, as reported by The Hill.

“A specific list”

“It’s time for Roe v. Wade to go,” he tweeted on Wednesday.

With the possibility of one or more vacancies on the nation’s highest court during a prospective second term, Trump has touted his list of possible picks for the lifetime appointment as a re-election selling point.

He revealed a list of 20 contenders during remarks this week at the White House, calling a Supreme court appointment “the most important decision an American president can make.”

The president went on to state his belief that all candidates seeking the presidency “owe the American people a specific list of individuals they consider for the United States Supreme Court.”

Cotton was among a handful of Republican U.S. senators on the list, along with Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri.

“I will always heed the call”

“I’m honored that President Trump asked me to consider serving on the Supreme Court and I’m grateful for his confidence,” Cotton said in a statement shortly after the list was made public. “I will always heed the call of service to our nation.”

The senator went on to assert that the Supreme Court “could use some more justices who understand the difference between applying the law and making the law, which the Court does when it invents a right to an abortion, infringes on religious freedom, and erodes the Second Amendment.”

Others on the list also addressed the news publicly, including Hawley, who tweeted that he had “no interest in the high court” but looks “forward to confirming constitutional conservatives.”

Planned Parenthood Votes Director Jenny Lawson was among the progressive activists who spoke out against the list and related implications about the future of abortion rights, vowing that her organization “will make sure people understand the courts, their health, and their rights are on the line this November.”

Of course, many Americans distraught over the more than 60 million abortions that have already been performed since 1973 also likely see their own values on the line ahead of Election Day.

The post 'It's time for Roe v. Wade to go': Sen. Cotton, a possible SCOTUS pick, addresses abortion in tweet first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘It’s time for Roe v. Wade to go’: Sen. Cotton, a possible SCOTUS pick, addresses abortion in tweet ‘It’s time for Roe v. Wade to go’: Sen. Cotton, a possible SCOTUS pick, addresses abortion in tweet Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 10, 2020 Rating: 5

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