GOP lawmaker predicts Pelosi, Hoyer will retire if Democrats lose House

A Republican congressman predicts that if Republicans can somehow take back control of the House, top leaders like Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) could retire. 

“I think it depends on how the election turns out,” Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL), ranking Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee, said in a radio interview on FM Talk 106.5 out of Mobile. “You know, she made a deal with the devil in the last cycle that if they let her be speaker for two more terms, she would retire. She’s 80-years-old right now.”

Rogers said that the far-left wing of the party might not honor their agreement if Trump wins the election, however. “These folks are very unreasonable. They’re very unhappy,” he said.

The far-left wing of the Democrat party “is far more liberal than Nancy Pelosi if you can believe that,” Rogers said. “That’s hard to imagine to me, but it’s true.”

“If we take back the House, she’s gone”

“If we take the House back, she’s gone,” he declared. “I think she’ll go ahead and announce her retirement.”

Rogers said that the entire leadership slate — Pelosi, Hoyer, and Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) could retire or be forced out if Republicans retake the House majority.

Despite the happiness that these Democrat retirements might give to conservatives, though, Rogers says that what might come after them could be even scarier.

“If that happens, you’ll see a complete sea change,” he said. “I think Pelosi, Hoyer, and Clyburn will all go ahead and announce their retirements because they’ll be overthrown and the new emerging leaders of that conference will be scary to most Americans, who are in the middle of the political spectrum.”

New radical left could take over

Rogers may have a point. We can see that the Democrat base has moved far more to the left than it was just a decade ago on issues like climate change, abortion, and health care.

We could be looking at a Speaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) or Ilhan Omar (D-MN). It’s a sobering thought.

But if the radical left does take over the Democrat party, it could also lead to further shifts that actually benefit the Republican party in the end.

After all, voters rejected all of the Democrats’ more progressive presidential candidates by wide margins in favor of gaffe-prone, doddering Joe Biden. Surely on a national level, they will reject radical left congressional leadership as well.

The post GOP lawmaker predicts Pelosi, Hoyer will retire if Democrats lose House first appeared on Conservative Institute.

GOP lawmaker predicts Pelosi, Hoyer will retire if Democrats lose House GOP lawmaker predicts Pelosi, Hoyer will retire if Democrats lose House Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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