Democrats panic as Trump campaign builds momentum

A hallmark of President Donald Trump’s four years in the White House has been the unprecedented opposition he faces from Democrats and their media allies, and with the election fast approaching, it’s only getting worse.

In fact, the attacks on President Trump have intensified so much recently that Raheem Kassem of The National Pulse surmised that Democrats are now “smashing the panic button” in their increasingly desperate bid to stop Trump’s re-election.

A new “bombshell” every day

In an op-ed, Kassem noted a few of the recent Democrat failures, such as the party’s less-than-inspiring national convention or the ongoing riots in major cities, to say nothing of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s gaffes and blunders.

In an effort to shift attention away from Biden’s increasingly obvious shortcomings and the radical nature of his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), a flurry of attacks have been launched against President Trump — to little or no effect.

Consider some of the recent “bombshells” that were almost instantly exposed as duds. The anonymously-sourced assertion by The Atlantic that Trump spoke disparagingly of fallen U.S. soldiers, a new “whistleblower” with allegations about Russia and talk of another impeachment, and the accusations that Trump has mishandled the coronavirus pandemic.

Then there are the supposed tell-all books that only the media and Trump-haters read, such as the one from his niece Mary Trump, or from his convicted former attorney Michael Cohen, or from liberal journalist Bob Woodward, among others.

Polls tightening

Despite all of those attacks — or maybe because of them — President Trump’s approval rating has been holding steady or rising in most polls and he continues to whittle away at Biden’s lead in the polls.

The RealClearPolitics average of polls still shows Biden with a 7.5-point lead over Trump, but that is down from his double-digit lead earlier in the year. A glance at some of the polls that make up the RCP average show the race as being much closer than that, in many cases within the margin of error.

Furthermore, Kassem noted that when the skewed methodologies and oversampling of Democrats in many of the polls are factored in, the odds are good that Trump is actually leading Biden in many cases.

Notice also that we haven’t even really mentioned any of Trump’s recent accomplishments, such as the rapidly recovering economy or the fact that he is brokering peace deals left and right around the world, to name just a few.

Keep pushing ahead

Kassem cautioned the Trump campaign to not take the shift in momentum for granted and to instead keep charging ahead with boisterous rallies, on-the-ground campaigning, pushing back against negative media stories, taking executive action where necessary to help people, and touting his laundry list of achievements and second-term plans.

If Trump continues to do that while ignoring the mud that his panicked opponents throw at him daily, and if his base remains enthusiastic and determined to vote for his re-election, the Democrats will have good reason to panic.

The post Democrats panic as Trump campaign builds momentum first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Democrats panic as Trump campaign builds momentum Democrats panic as Trump campaign builds momentum Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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