Freudian slip? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden refer to ‘Harris administration’ in separate speeches

If Joe Biden wins November’s presidential election, will he actually be in charge? It’s a topic Democrats including Biden’s own running mate have shied away from — but now, it seems the big secret is out.

Both Biden and California Sen. Kamala Harris (D) have referred to a “Harris administration” in recent days, the Washington Examiner reported, as President Donald Trump continues to liken Biden to a “puppet” of the far left.

Kamala in charge?

On Saturday, Harris seemed to offer a glimpse into a Machiavellian mind when she referred to a “Harris administration” at an event in Arizona.

“A Harris administration, together with Joe Biden as the president of the United States,” she said, before quickly correcting herself, as Fox News noted. “The Biden–Harris administration will provide access to $100 billion in low-interest loans and investments from minority business owners.”

It looks like Biden is already learning his place, however.

On Tuesday, the former vice president made the same awkward admission while campaigning in Tampa, Florida, referring to a “Harris–Biden” presidency.

“A Harris–Biden administration is going to relaunch that effort and keep pushing it further to make it easier for military spouses and veterans to find meaningful careers, to ensure teachers know how to support military children in their classrooms,” Biden said Tuesday, according to Fox.

“A Freudian slip”

Biden has called himself a transitional figure, and he has continually stumbled on the campaign trail, fueling speculation that Harris would readily take over if he wins in November. As Biden faces scrutiny for his alleged use of teleprompters and a tendency to avoid the press, he had another mix-up Tuesday, confusing Iraq and Iran while talking about soldiers who died in the War on Terror. “U.S. troops died in Iran and Afghanistan,” Biden said, as Fox reported.

But at least some of the time, it seems, Biden’s gaffes have an uncanny note of truth. Biden’s “Harris administration” remark seemed to validate what President Trump has routinely said of his “sleepy” rival, who Trump has likened to a “puppet” and “Trojan horse” of the radical left, the Examiner notes.

The Trump campaign, for its part, called Harris’ “Freudian slip” an expression of her not-so-secret ambitions for power, adding that Harris is part of a group of far-left liberals “pulling the strings.”

“And now, with a Freudian slip, she’s outright admitting it,” Trump spokesman Jake Schneider said in a statement, according to the Examiner.

For Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, subtlety seems to be out of fashion.

The post Freudian slip? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden refer to 'Harris administration' in separate speeches first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Freudian slip? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden refer to ‘Harris administration’ in separate speeches Freudian slip? Kamala Harris, Joe Biden refer to ‘Harris administration’ in separate speeches Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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