‘Brazen arrogance’: Juanita Broaddrick speaks out after Bill Clinton lauds Violence Against Women Act

Juanita Broaddrick isn’t impressed with Bill Clinton’s supposed advocacy for women.

The alleged rape victim of the former president slammed the man she claims is a sick “sexual predator” for showing “brazen arrogance” after he gloated over his role in enacting the Violence Against Women Act, the Washington Examiner reported.

Clinton’s hypocrisy

For years, Broaddrick has claimed that Clinton raped her in an Arkansas hotel room when he was running for governor of the state in the 1970s. She also claims that Bill’s wife Hillary intimidated her into staying quiet about the alleged assault.

Decades later, Bill Clinton is claiming to speak as an advocate for women as he touts Joe Biden on the 2020 campaign trail.

“Twenty-six years ago, I was proud to sign Assault Weapons Ban and the Violence Against Women Act. It wouldn’t have happened without Joe Biden’s leadership. We need them both again,” the former president tweeted.

While Clinton might have signed a piece of legislation years ago, his words reek with hypocrisy, said Broaddrick, who is still living with the trauma of what he allegedly did to her.

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 77 and it still never goes away. Bill Clinton… YOU go to hell and take Hillary with you,” she fired back in a tweet of her own, according to the Washington Examiner.

“Apologists and enablers”

Broaddrick, a supporter of President Donald Trump, also told the Washington Examiner that Clinton evinced “brazen arrogance” for touting his efforts to stop “violence against women.”

“This is the brazen arrogance of a known sexual predator, touting an achievement in ‘words’ that he was never able to achieve in his personal behavior,” Broaddrick said.

Despite the #MeToo movement, Broaddrick’s claims are still largely treated as verboten by a liberal press that Broaddrick has said is more interested in protecting powerful Democrats than supporting alleged victims of sexual assault.

While Bill Clinton’s reputation has diminished somewhat in the wake of #MeToo and revelations about his ties to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, he remains a fixture of the party elite. He spoke at the Democratic National Convention, according to Fox News, where he slammed President Trump as incompetent and unable to lead — the very same day that a photo leaked of the former president getting a neck massage from one of Epstein’s victims.

“This leaves no doubt the Democrats are the party of rape apologists and enablers. There are no words to express my profound revulsion at their decision,” Broaddrick told the New York Post.

The post 'Brazen arrogance': Juanita Broaddrick speaks out after Bill Clinton lauds Violence Against Women Act first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Brazen arrogance’: Juanita Broaddrick speaks out after Bill Clinton lauds Violence Against Women Act ‘Brazen arrogance’: Juanita Broaddrick speaks out after Bill Clinton lauds Violence Against Women Act Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 16, 2020 Rating: 5

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