‘The last person who should be giving lectures’: Clinton mocked after DNC speech attacking Trump

Former President Bill Clinton was among the featured speakers at this week’s Democratic National Convention. Like many of the others, he used his time not only to praise Democratic nominee Joe Biden but also to attack President Donald Trump.

At one point in his address, Clinton chastised Trump for his behavior, including the “chaos” in the Oval Office. His choice of words led to almost immediate mockery from a wide range of his political detractors, as reported by Breitbart.

“It’s a storm center”

The former president’s remarks came as part of his overall narrative that Trump’s response to the coronavirus pandemic and related economic crisis was botched from the beginning.

“At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center,” Clinton said. “Instead, it’s a storm center. There’s only chaos.”

His pointed critique continued to include Trump’s alleged effort to “deny responsibility and shift the blame” as well as “distracting and demeaning” instead of focusing on the job of leading the nation.

Given the scandals brought on by his own behavior while commander in chief, however, Clinton’s words quickly came back to haunt him. Even some on the left, like Late Show host Stephen Colbert, joined in the criticism.

Donald Trump Jr. was among those who referenced Clinton’s past controversies — including an infamous affair with then-White House intern Monica Lewinsky and his subsequent lies about it under oath — in a tweet deriding his remarks.

“Still honoring Bill Clinton”

“The irony of Bill Clinton talking about the sanctity of the Oval Office should not be lost on anyone!” the president’s son wrote.

Trump War Room, a Twitter account linked to the president’s re-election campaign, also took aim at the 42nd president.

“It’s 2020 and Democrats are still honoring Bill Clinton,” a recent post asserted. “He’s the last person who should be giving lectures on what should or should not be happening in the Oval Office.”

In his own statement, Trump campaign national press secretary Hogan Gidley tweeted that Clinton is the “absolute LAST person in the known universe” that he would listen to “about ‘how’ the Oval Office should be used.”

The Democratic National Convention was billed as an opportunity for the party to come together behind its nominee. With Bill Clinton present, it is hardly a surprise that it instead prompted a renewed discussion of his own brand of “chaos” within the Oval Office.

‘The last person who should be giving lectures’: Clinton mocked after DNC speech attacking Trump ‘The last person who should be giving lectures’: Clinton mocked after DNC speech attacking Trump Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 20, 2020 Rating: 5

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