Pro-lifers see Biden-Harris as “most pro-abortion presidential ticket in history”

A victory this November for the Biden-Harris ticket would be especially bad news for pro-lifers.

Breitbart reports that some American pro-life leaders believe that the Biden-Harris ticket is the “most pro-abortion presidential ticket in history.” 

Harris on abortion

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the woman Joe Biden has chosen to be his running mate, has a lot of baggage, as anyone who looks at today’s news headlines will quickly realize. Harris holds a number of controversial positions that cause her to be aligned with the far-left, and her stance on abortion is no exception.

Harris is about as pro-abortion as a candidate can be these days. She is a proponent of “abortion on demand,” the idea that a woman has the right to get an abortion for any reason she can come up with; she is against any limitation on the point during the pregnancy at which abortions can be performed; and, she supports a repeal of the Hyde Amendment, which, with some exceptions, stops federal funds from being used to pay for abortions.

In addition to all of this, Harris also has a troubling history with abortion-industry-leader Planned Parenthood. She infamously worked with Planned Parenthood to prosecute pro-life activists and citizen journalists who exposed the abortion giant in a series of undercover videos, which showed Planned Parenthood employees discussing the illegal sale of aborted baby body parts.

Yet, despite this background, we have Biden tweeting that Harris is a “fearless fighter for the little guy,” and, during her failed presidential campaign, Harris herself claimed to be an “advocate for the voiceless and vulnerable.”

“Most pro-abortion presidential ticket” ever

Pro-lifers, after Biden announced Harris as his pick for vice president, came out to express their concerns about this ticket and to make sure that the American people don’t forget who Harris and Biden are.

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, released a statement decrying Harris’ position on abortion and arguing that, if elected, Biden and Harris will “immediately begin rolling back President [Donald] Trump’s pro-life gains, as well as longstanding policies like the Hyde Amendment.”

“Together, Biden and Harris constitute the most pro-abortion presidential ticket in American history,” Dannenfelser said.

A similar statement was made by March for Life President Jeanne Mancini. She argued that Biden’s selection of Harris leaves “no room for doubt” that “He is the abortion candidate, leaving behind any semblance of being a moderate.” Mancini added that “sadly, this Democrat ticket is perhaps the most pro-abortion in history, in favor of radical abortion policies out of touch with mainstream Americans.”

Most important election ever

The Biden-Harris ticket has its direct opposite in the ticket of Trump-Pence. Both President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are about as pro-life as Biden and Harris are pro-abortion, which is to say that Pence and Trump are extremely pro-life.

There are many, many important reasons to vote this November, and now we can add this to the list. Voting for Trump-Pence really is a vote for life, and voting for Biden-Harris, a vote against it.

Pro-lifers see Biden-Harris as “most pro-abortion presidential ticket in history” Pro-lifers see Biden-Harris as “most pro-abortion presidential ticket in history” Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on August 13, 2020 Rating: 5

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