Sometimes, not even the most abject demonstrations of political solidarity are enough for the woke mob.
Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) daughter attacked the New York Times for publishing what she says was a sexist item about the House speaker. Christine Pelosi’s quarrel with the paper had nothing to do with the article’s actual content, however, but rather with its use of a picture that showed only her mother’s “calves and heels.”
Ms. Pelosi took issue with the “misogynistic” editorial decision, calling it an example of “everyday sexism.”
Pelosi’s daughter accuses NYT of misogyny
Nancy Pelosi has been embraced by the mainstream left for her supposed skill in political judo, which the Democrat has brought to bear in her numerous battles with President Trump. Pelosi’s so-called “clap-backs” have entered the halls of anti-Trump iconography, from the image of Pelosi applauding caustically at Trump during his State of the Union Address, to her recent showdown with Trump over Syria, in which Pelosi stood and pointed directly at the commander in chief.
Suffice it to say that Pelosi receives lavish press from the mainstream media establishment, which has echoed her party’s talking points with programmatic certainty practically since Trump took office. But to the insatiable left, no amount of groveling is ever enough.
Case in point: Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry of Trump has encouraged fantasies in the liberal media about the speaker’s potential ascent to the Oval Office, in the unlikely event that both Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are removed. The New York Times published an entry on the topic titled, “Nancy Pelosi should not be president.”
The author seriously considers the “President Pelosi” scenario, saying that it could alone convince Republican senators not to oust Trump, despite “strong” evidence to support Trump’s removal. But Pelosi’s daughter took issue with the article’s supposedly sexist imagery, which purports to depict Pelosi’s “calves and heels” in a pantsuit.
“Hey @deanbaquet could you @nytimes be any more misogynistic than to portray the female House Speaker with a photo of her calves and heels? #EverydaySexism,” she tweeted.
Politically correct confusion
Clearly, the Times should have known better than to so directly challenge the authority of the party’s ringleader. However, other liberals have embraced Pelosi’s “femme power,” so to speak.
While some agreed with Christine Pelosi’s critique, others responded by saying that they found the imagery empowering, rather than patronizing. Like much else with the left’s politically correct standards, it’s often hard to distinguish what’s offensive from what ought to be celebrated.
In line with that ambivalence, a political cartoon dating from January went viral recently over its controversial, brutal depiction of Pelosi impaling Trump with a giant heel. The cartoon has not exactly been met with cries of “misogyny,” probably because it gives vent to real, widely felt, even violent hatred of president Trump on the left.
Despite her moderate — at least compared with today’s radical left– views, Pelosi is still seen by many liberals as a feminist icon for becoming the first woman to serve as speaker of the House. And for the most part, the left has embraced Pelosi’s insults directed towards President Trump’s mental health and even manhood under the banner of women’s empowerment.
It’s truly difficult to see exactly what the problem is with this image — or perhaps the real grievance is with the article’s conclusion that Pelosi shouldn’t be president.
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