All Roads Lead To Brennan – Whistleblowers, Spies, And The Ukraine Farce

As Democrats seek to impeach President Trump over the “high crime” of asking Ukraine to investigate his political opponents, theories have emerged suggesting the whole thing is a ‘six ways from Sunday‘ operation by Intelligence Community holdovers and Establishment Democrats to remove a sitting President who started flying too close to the sun.

After Trump asked his Ukrainian counterpart on July 25 to investigate pro-Clinton Ukrainian meddling in the 2016 US election, and allegations of corruption against Joe Biden and his son Hunter, a CIA officer who worked with the ‘DNC meddler’ and Joe Biden filed a second-hand whistleblower complaint on a recently altered form (which previously allowed only first-hand information).

First, let’s take a deeper look at the whistleblower, reported by investigative reporter Paul Sperry to be Eric Ciaramella (EC) (via RedState’s Elizabeth Vaughn, emphasis ours):

He submitted a whistleblower complaint on August 12th.

He is a registered Democrat.

He is a CIA analyst who specializes in Russia and Ukraine. He ran the Ukraine desk at the National Security Council (NSC) in 2016.

He was detailed over to the NSC in the summer of 2015 and worked for then-National Security Adviser Susan Rice.

He worked for former Vice President Joe Biden when he served as the Obama administration’s “point man” for Ukraine. He may have flown over to Ukraine with Biden on Air Force Two.

He worked for former CIA Director John Brennan and appeared to have been a highly valued employee.

Given Ciaramella’s rise within the Obama administration intelligence community, radio host Rush Limbaugh frames him as a spy:

“He’s lurking in there in the West Wing as an Obama holdover. He’s essentially a spy for John Brennan, and he’s there to do the dirty work of the deep state.” –Rush Limbaugh

Limbaugh cites journalist Sharyl Attkisson who wrote in response to Sperry’s ‘outing’ of Ciaramella, ” If the reporting is correct, it implies the “whistleblower” could have been worried Trump was getting close to uncovering Democrat links to Ukraine’s interference in US elections in 2016.” – READ MORE

All Roads Lead To Brennan – Whistleblowers, Spies, And The Ukraine Farce All Roads Lead To Brennan – Whistleblowers, Spies, And The Ukraine Farce Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on November 05, 2019 Rating: 5

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