“There’s a strategy,” former First Lady Michelle Obama said, behind the decision to put her husband Barack’s presidential library in Chicago’s Jackson Park.
The Washington Examiner reports that Michelle Obama spoke at the Obama Foundation Summit at the Illinois Insitute of Technology on Tuesday, where she revealed that while her husband’s presidential library could have been build “anywhere in the world,” her and Barack “don’t do things incidentally.”
“I mean, there’s a strategy,” she said. “There’s power in the selection of Jackson Park, you know.”
“In our backyard”
Obama said Tuesday that there were several locations vying to host the 44th president’s official library — and according to her, it could have gone anywhere.
“Barack’s presidential library could have been anywhere in the world because there are so many people who feel like he is their president, all over the world,” she said. “New York wanted it, Hawaii wants it, you know, because it’s also an economic engine.”
The former president lived in Hawaii for part of his childhood.
“We had to think, where do we put this resource? Because it will be a resource,” she said. “And what better place to put it than in our backyard?”
“That juxtaposition of everything”
The former first lady went on to describe Jackson Park as a central point for the Obamas: it was where they were born, where they raised their children, and where they lived their lives.
“Jackson Park is like that juxtaposition of everything in our lives,” Obama said, according to Hawaii News Now. “We feel like even though we live in [Washingon] D.C…this is our home, but also, this is part of the city that hasn’t felt the same level of investment” as other areas of Chicago.
Of course, Obama’s reasoning makes sense — but her assertion that the library could have been built “anywhere in the world” is off-putting. Indeed, that remark gives a glimpse into the globalist mindset held by her and her husband, and could provide a clue as to why someone like President Donald Trump was elected as Barack Obama’s successor.
The president of the United States is exactly that: the leader of America, not the leader of the entire world or people living in foreign lands — no matter how much those people may like the president. President Trump has made it abundantly clear that he puts America first. Why couldn’t his predecessor do the same?

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