Hannity: My sources say there was ‘nothing illegal,’ ‘no quid pro quo’ in Trump phone call

The most recent “we’ve got him now” series of bombshells from the anti-Trump media revolve around a so-called whistleblower complaint alleging that President Donald Trump made a “troubling” “promise” to a foreign leader.

The story is still developing, but Fox News host Sean Hannity has come out staunchly in defense of the president. He dropped his own bombshell Friday, saying that according to his sources who are “familiar with the matter,” no laws were broken during Trump’s conversation.

“Nothing illegal happened”

“I know people familiar with this matter. Familiar with what the so-called whistleblower has,” Hannity said during his radio program Friday. “And I have been told — in no uncertain terms — nothing illegal happened on any telephone call.”

“Their words, quote … no quid pro quo whatsoever,” he continued. Listen to the whole Hannity clip here.

Ukraine, Trump, and the Bidens

The Washington Post reported Thursday that the “whistleblower” complaint involved Ukraine, citing two sources “familiar with the matter.” In July, Trump had spoken by phone with Ukraine’s new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, shortly before the complaint was filed, the Post noted.

Also citing unnamed sources, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Trump had “repeatedly pressured” Ukraine’s president to open an investigation into possible corruption involving Hunter Biden, son of the frontrunner 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Still, the Journal reported, “Trump in the call didn’t mention a provision of U.S. aid to Ukraine, said this person, who didn’t believe Mr. Trump offered the Ukrainian president any quid pro quo for his cooperation on any investigation.”

Spotlight on the Bidens

Hannity said the only thing that might be “gleaned” from all this was that there is substance to the conservative media reports about corruption involving the Bidens in Ukraine.

Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani has been looking into questions about the Bidens’ activities in Ukraine for a while now. As the National Review’s Andrew McCarthy neatly describes it, “When he was Obama-administration vice president, Biden is rumored to have pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who was conducting a corruption investigation of a natural-gas company. Biden’s son, Hunter, sat on the company’s board, and his law firm was lavishly compensated.”

Hannity also suggested there was accuracy to past reports which alleged that the Ukraine government had provided assistance to the failed campaign of Hillary Clinton in 2016 … which would seem awfully hypocritical given the left’s uproar over the unproven allegations that Trump had obtained electoral assistance from Russia.

Impeachment fodder

Unless a transcript of that particular conversation is either leaked or legally released, the American people may never know the details for sure. Nonetheless, Democrats are certain that, for the hundredth time, they’ve got Trump boxed in with evidence of impeachable offenses — a rather laughable notion given their track record for the first 99 times that they triumphantly shouted, “We’ve got him now!”

“This is what the mob does best — hyperventilating at the remote possibility that this unknown information will somehow lead to the impeachment that they’ve been craving [since] the day after Election Day 2016,” Hannity said Friday. “This is a psychotic rage.”

Hannity: My sources say there was ‘nothing illegal,’ ‘no quid pro quo’ in Trump phone call Hannity: My sources say there was ‘nothing illegal,’ ‘no quid pro quo’ in Trump phone call Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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