Barack Obama Has Less Than Two Weeks Before Facing SERIOUS INDICTMENTS!

Former President Barack Obama may have less than two weeks before he’s indicted for election meddling.

Inspector General Mike Horowitz submitted his report on alleged abuses by Obama’s Department of Justice and FBI during the 2016 election to Attorney General William Barr last week.

Included in the report are Horowitz’ conclusions on the potential misuse of FISA wiretaps on Trump campaign aides during the election, which experts have said that the scandal could directly link as high as Obama’s Oval Office.

If Inspector General Mike Horowitz found credible evidence that Obama ordered an illegal wiretap of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 election, Obama would likely be indicted.

Barr’s office is currently reviewing the FISA investigation report for redactions, review, and classifications. After, the investigation’s conclusions are expected to be made public — and the legal indictments will begin.

There are already rumors that when the review is finished, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe will be indicted.

It begs the question: Who else from the Department of Justice, FBI, and/or Obama’s White House will be implicated?

Will it include former FBI Director James Comey? Former British spy Christopher Steele? Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch?

The former president himself?

Should the timeline to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian election interference hold true for Horowitz’ report, the American public can expect those answers by the middle of October.

However, The Hill’s John Solomon told Fox News’ Sean Hannity last Thursday that the conclusions could be released as soon as the end of this month.

In other words, it’s possible — though admittedly unlikely — that Obama is indicted for illegal wiretapping and election interference in just 12 short days.

The mountain of information that makes up Horowitz’s report is staggering. Investigators reviewed through more than one million official documents and records, and conducted more than 100 interrogations related to the Trump-Russia special counsel investigation, the FISA court applications for wiretaps and renewals, FBI paid informants on the Trump campaign, and more.

As for the timeline, Trump wants American voters to get the whole truth. He wants it released as soon as possible. And the president’s allies expect jail time for at least some of those indicted.

Some legal experts disagree.

“What I think is going to happen is nobody is going to be charged with any criminal activity,” Jon Sale, a Miami-based legal expert, told Politico recently.

If so, that will leave justice in the hands of the court of public opinion — where Trump also wants to make his case.

Trump wants “as much as possible to be known to the public,” Rep. Jody Hice, R-G.A., said during a House Oversight Committee hearing on Wednesday.

“Are you working with the Department of Justice to have some of that declassified?” Hice asked Horowitz.

“Right now, what we’ve done is meet with the folks at the Justice Department and the FBI to tell them what we’ve done so far. They have the draft of the factual information that we’ve developed,” Horowitz replied. “We’ve talked through the classification issues with them, but it’s ultimately up to them to decide what’s going to be marked and how it’s going to be marked or how it’s not going to be marked.”

Horowitz told the Oversight Committee that he hadn’t yet been contacted by Democrat-controlled House committees to testify on his findings.

“You spent a lot of time on this report,” Rep. Jim Jordan, R-O.H., said. “This is pretty significant. You would anticipate testifying in front of both the House Oversight Committee, which has jurisdiction over inspector generals, plus the House Judiciary Committee, is that right?”

“I would say, as to any of my reports, I always am available and willing to testify,” Horowitz replied.

Via TheHornNews

Barack Obama Has Less Than Two Weeks Before Facing SERIOUS INDICTMENTS! Barack Obama Has Less Than Two Weeks Before Facing SERIOUS INDICTMENTS! Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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