Pelosi And Nadler Are At Each Other’s Throat Over Trump Impeachment

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has blasted Rep. Jerry Nadler’s obsessive push for impeachment, stating that Democrats don’t have enough votes to impeach President Trump.

House Democrats remain strongly divided on impeachment, with only 175 out of the party’s 235 Representatives willing to vote for forcing President Trump out of office.

Politico’s morning Playbook reveals that Democrats are 43 votes short of the 218 needed to start an impeachment process:

“Right now, Democratic insiders say 175 of their members would vote for impeachment today on the House floor,” authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman state. reports: They present this figure while discussing fallout over the combative Tuesday hearing with Corey Lewandowski, billed as a fact-finding session on “presidential obstruction of justice and abuse of power.” The former Trump campaign manager declined to answer questions citing executive privilege, “filibustered,” and mocked Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) — the figurehead of far-left impeachment efforts among party leadership. Nadler suggested Tuesday evening the Lewandowski could be held in contempt of Congress for his conduct during the hearing.

Palmer and Sherman say Lewandowski’s testimony did not help some skeptical Democrats sign on for impeachment. “Some Democrats privately told us that Lewandowski’s stonewalling was certainly enough to hold him in contempt,” they write. “But the party is so deeply divided on what they should do next that, to many Dems, it all seemed like a circus without a clear purpose.”

The party’s divide is best illustrated by a simmering behind-the-scenes conflict between Nadler and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the spokesperson for the 60 Democrats who believe impeachment will be a politically disastrous move — going nowhere in the Republican-controlled Senate and galvanizing President Trump’s base as he runs for re-election.

A separate Politico report Wednesday morning said Pelosi disparaged Nadler’s Judiciary Committee in a closed-door meeting, even telling anyone present that she hoped the criticism would become public.

In a closed-door meeting last week, Speaker Nancy Pelosi stunned lawmakers and aides with a swipe at Democratic staff on the House Judiciary Committee.

Pelosi criticized the panel’s handling of impeachment in harsh terms, complaining committee aides have advanced the push for ousting President Donald Trump far beyond where the House Democratic Caucus stands. Democrats simply don’t have the votes on the floor to impeach Trump, Pelosi said.

“And you can feel free to leak this,” Pelosi added, according to multiple people in the room.

Though she has privately lambasted her colleagues over the bad optics from impeachment mania, Pelosi has taken a more measured tone in public. “I’ve traveled the entire country. Come with me some time, and you’ll hear what the American people are saying,” she said at her press briefing last week. “They understand that impeachment is a very divisive measure, but if we have to go there, we’ll have to go there. That’s all I’m going to say about this subject.”

Via NewsPunch

Pelosi And Nadler Are At Each Other’s Throat Over Trump Impeachment Pelosi And Nadler Are At Each Other’s Throat Over Trump Impeachment Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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