Donald Trump, Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle team up to slam Democrats, praise conservatism

Washington power couple Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle decided to team up Wednesday to expose the growing hyperpartisanship within the Democratic Party.

Turning Point USA founder and executive director Charlie Kirk invited the conservative duo onto the inaugural episode of his new podcast, The Charlie Kirk Show, where his guests discussed the dangers of socialism, the Trump family’s history of conservatism, and the recently concluded Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

“Green New Steal”

Guilfoyle, who formerly hosted The Five on Fox News, kicked off the conversation by lamenting the false promises of socialism.

“People have to really examine the issues and pay attention to this,” she said, “because what you’ve seen is such a disservice by the media, because they are [backing] these unsustainable policies. There’s no way to pay for any of this, there’s no infrastructure in place, it’s free education, it’s free health care, its the Green New Steal.

“All of it is going to be just irreparable harm to this country,” Guilfoyle continued, “and they are literally going to shape-shift America into something we do not realize, recognize, and hopefully we’ll get it together for 2020, because it’s all on the line.”

For his part, Kirk envisions a Democratic Party on the brink of self-destruction. “This will be the most bloody — you heard it here first — the most bloody Democrat primary in American history,” he said, “because they hate Trump so much, they can’t see straight, and they’re soon going to realize the only thing getting in the way of them being the guy against Trump are these 15 other Democrats.

“And then here’s what will happen,” added Kirk, “the Democrat gospel has been written in identity politics — and when Joe Biden or Bernie Sanders is doing well — they are the three things you are not allowed to be. They’re old, they’re white, and they’re male. And they will go after that, very aggressively.”

From Russia with love

The trio soon addressed the elephant in the room: the special counsel’s now-debunked Russia investigation. “People should be happy that, in fact, there was no collusion,” Guilfoyle asserted.

Kirk agreed: “They should be celebrating… Our president is not bought by a foreign adversary. Great.”

“The Democrats are actually upset that the president isn’t, as they said, ‘an agent of the Russian government,’” Trump Jr. chimed in. “Think about that — they wanted the President of the United States to be an agent of our enemies.

“I never thought I’d see the day,” the president’s eldest son continued, “but every day, they manage to come up something new and something crazier that you couldn’t fathom as an old-school Democrat. You know, back when they actually cared about America and Americans — there’s nothing in paper that shows that the actually do anymore.”

“That’s why there’s so many people walking away from the party,” said Guilfoyle.

Conservative upbringing

The interview continued, proceeding naturally and touching on a variety of topics — some serious, some light-hearted and even comical. They couldn’t help but bring up disgraced liberal attorney Michael Avenatti, who falsely accused Trump Jr. of fake crimes before being indicted himself for 36 serious charges of tax evasion, perjury, and embezzlement.

Trump also opened up about his conservative upbringing as the grandson of Czechoslovakian immigrants who lived under steel jackboot of communist oppression. He explained:

People say, “listen, you’re from a New York family, New York City, you went to an Ivy League school, how are you a Republican?” And the reality is my maternal grandfather was a blue collar guy from what was then communist Czechoslovakia. He recognized how blessed and how privileged we were to have the lifestyle and the wealth that we had, and all of the opportunities that come from that.

But he also said, “You should see the other side.” And so my father actually very much agreed, and it was sort of a big concept with him with us growing up. We always had to work — maybe we didn’t need to, but it was like, “You’re going to” — and it was an important foundation for my life.

“They’ve lost their way”

Trump Jr. also remembered how, at the age of six, his grandparents were “deeply involved” in his life. He would spend his summers in Czechoslovakia with them, where he witnessed firsthand the poverty and tyranny that accompanies socialist policy.

“I had this, kind of, blue jean jacket,” Trump recalled, “but it had stars on it — almost like an American flag — and they literally, going through customs, were like, ‘You can’t wear that here,’ because it was a representation of American freedom.” He went on:

From a young age, I saw what these socialist policies did. I saw the poverty that they created, and really, even this notion that even if you worked harder, better, smarter, faster, than others, there’s no real reward for it — it just encouraged mediocrity.

Some of these people that I knew — and I knew these hardworking Eastern European people — there’s no incentive to work beyond doing that absolute minimum, and you see what that does to someone’s spirit.

I was too young to think of it necessarily in political terms, but I remember it so distinctly.

Trump’s maternal grandmother still lives in Czechoslovakia, but visits her family in the U.S. every year. Talk of implementing socialist policies in America brings her tears, Trump Jr. explained.

“But when I see her literally almost break down in tears, she can’t even fathom that we’re even having a conversation, let alone that there are people advocating these policies that are leading contenders for the major political party on the other side,” he said. “This isn’t your grandfather’s Democratic Party anymore. They’ve lost their way.”

Donald Trump, Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle team up to slam Democrats, praise conservatism Donald Trump, Jr. and girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle team up to slam Democrats, praise conservatism Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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