TMI? Guide Tells What Muslim Women REALLY WANT In The Bedroom

A U.S.-born Muslim woman has published a new book, The Muslimah Sex Manual: A Halal Guide to Mind Blowing Sex, in an effort to defeat what she claims are stereotypes regarding the relationship between Muslim women and sex.

The author writes under the pen name Umm Muladhat to keep her identity anonymous and details ways Muslim couples can grow a sexual relationship with each other.

“I put an emphasis on having sex only with your spouse, but having the full range of sexual experiences with that spouse,” Muladhat told the Guardian. “Islamically, there’s an emphasis on enjoying physical relationships within the context of marriage, not just for procreation. It is the wife’s right that her husband satisfy her sexually.”

The book offers explicit, candid advice on everything from kissing to sex positions. The text also includes chapters on ‘How to be a freak in bed’ to BDSM and ‘Forced sex fantasies’.

Muladhat explains on her website that she started writing the book two years ago when an acquaintance admitted she was struggling in the bedroom during the first few months of her marriage.

“Her sex life was horrible. In fact, it was fast becoming non-existent. She had been a model Muslimah her entire life. Before marriage, she had never so much as held a non-mahram’s hand, let alone become physically intimate with one,” Umm explained. “She had eagerly looked forward to marriage as a chance to finally indulging in all the physical intimacy she had postponed for the sake of Allah.

“But the new bride had no idea of what sex should involve, other than the mechanics.”

According to Muladhat, deciding what sexual acts are permissible in Islam is a source of confusion for those of the faith, and the misconception that females shouldn’t enjoy sex is prevalent.

“Guilt associated with sex is drummed into women from childhood,” she explained. “It’s portrayed as something dirty where women’s sexuality is often controlled.”

This is not the first time the vexed issue of relations between the sexes has been approached from an Islamic perspective.

As Breitbart News reported, in Malaysia halal speed dating has become popular as a way of introducing prospective marriage partners to each other in the predominantly Muslim country.

It only differs from the same concept practiced in other parts of the world in that female Malaysian speed daters must be chaperoned by a wali, or guardian until she gets married and who grants her the permission to do so.

(via: Breitbart)

by Thomas Robertson via enVolve

TMI? Guide Tells What Muslim Women REALLY WANT In The Bedroom TMI? Guide Tells What Muslim Women REALLY WANT In The Bedroom Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on July 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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