Report: Pres. Biden has taken more “personal travel” days than any recent president

It was recently reported that President Joe Biden, during his first nine months in office, has given significantly fewer interviews than his predecessors did at a similar time in their presidencies. This confirmed that Biden is one of the least engaging presidents in recent history.

Now, a new report from the Daily Mail shows that Biden, during those same nine months, has spent significantly more time away from the White House than his predecessors did at a similar point in their presidencies, making him the recent president with the most “personal travel” days. 

The numbers

The report looks at Biden’s first 276 days in office, which includes this past weekend. The Daily Mail found that out of those 276 days, Biden spent 108 either fully or partially away from White House. The partial days are those days when Biden, for example, left early to head home.

As for where Biden spent those 108 days, most of them – 69 – were spent at his home in Wilmington, Delaware. The next most – 32 – were spent at Camp David. And, the remaining seven were spent at his home in Rehoboth, Delaware.

The 108 days represent 35 personal trips taken by Biden since becoming president. Wilmington was the destination of 23 of those trips; Camp David, of ten; and Rehoboth, of two.

Biden versus his predecessors

None of Biden’s recent predecessors, during their first 276 days as president, spent nearly as much time away from the White House as Biden has. The Daily Mail looks at Biden’s three most recent predecessors, former Presidents Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush.

Behind Biden, the president with the next most personal days during his first 276 days in office is Bush, who spent about 84 days away. In third place would be Trump with about 70 personal days. And, in last place would be Obama with about 40 days away from the White House.

So, Biden spent 24 more days away from the White House than Bush, 38 more than Trump, and 68 more than Obama. In other words, Biden blows the competition away here.


The fact that Biden has taken so many personal days is not going to sit well with Americans given the various problems the country is facing under Biden’s leadership. These problems range from the southern border crisis, to the flailing American economy, to the Afghanistan debacle, and even to the coronavirus pandemic, which, remember, candidate Biden said he would fix.

The latest polling has Biden’s average approval rating at only 42.4 percent.

The White House has defended Biden’s large number of personal days by claiming that “Presidents of the United States are constantly on the job, regardless of their location.” It continued:

Wherever he is, the President spends every day working to defeat the pandemic, to ensure our economy delivers for the middle class — not just those at the top — and to protect our national security. Also, as all Americans can agree, it’s important for leaders to avoid becoming ensconced in Washington, D.C.

Sure. But, it might be time for Biden to change his strategy, as what he has been doing so far clearly isn’t working.

The post Report: Pres. Biden has taken more “personal travel” days than any recent president first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Report: Pres. Biden has taken more “personal travel” days than any recent president Report: Pres. Biden has taken more “personal travel” days than any recent president Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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