Pollster: “Trump would win in a landslide”

According to pollster John McLaughlin, if a presidential election were held today between former President Donald Trump and either President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump “would win in a landslide.” 

McLaughlin discussed what his polls are currently showing on Sunday during an appearance on New York WABC 770 AM radio’s “The Cats Roundtable.” And, what they are showing is that Trump would win in an “electoral landslide” against Biden of Harris.

With regard to Harris, McLaughlin says that his polls have Trump beating out her 49 percent to 46 percent.

And, one of Biden’s many problems, according to McLaughlin, is that he’s not the moderate candidate that people voted for. Rather, McLaughlin opined that Biden is being run by the progressives and that American voters are signaling that they are not going to stand for this.

Another poll, same result

A new poll from I&I/TIPP currently has Trump ahead of Biden in every U.S. region except one. Can you guess which one?

It’s not the south, midwest, or west. In the south, Trump is ahead of Biden 45.8 percent to 44.6; in the midwest, Trump is ahead 45.9 percent to 44.9; and, in the west, Trump is ahead 42.4 percent to 39.7.

The only region where Biden is ahead of Trump is in the northeast. There, Biden is up, and big, 53.6 percent to 39.1 percent.

Perhaps more important than these individual findings is the fact that the numbers have been heading in Trump’s favor. Altogether, this new poll has Trump ahead of Biden 45 percent to 44 percent. But, just in September, Biden was actually in the lead, 46 to 42.1 percent.

Also significant is the fact that the pollster found that Trump is gaining ground in many key demographics including Hispanic voters, Black voters, married women voters, and more.

Biden’s downward polling trend

These polls are not at all surprising considering Biden’s large polling dropoff. He went from the mid to upper 50s before the summer of 2021 to, now, the mid to lower 40s.

Real Clear Politics currently has Biden’s average approval at 42.2 percent and his average disapproval at 52.1 percent. The difference between the two is 9.9 percentage points, which is the amount by which Biden is currently underwater.

If this keeps up, the Republicans are going to be in good shape heading into 2022 and 2024.

The post Pollster: “Trump would win in a landslide” first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Pollster: “Trump would win in a landslide” Pollster: “Trump would win in a landslide” Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 26, 2021 Rating: 5

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