‘Not legitimate protest’: Sinema decries activists who followed her into bathroom

Leftists cornered Arizona Sen. Krysten Sinema (D) in a bathroom to hector the Democrat over her opposition to President Joe Biden’s agenda and demand an amnesty for illegal immigrants on Sunday.

In response to the shocking incident, Biden said that being harassed in bathrooms is “part of the process” of lawmaking, Fox News reported.

Leftists corner Sinema

A viral video shared by the far-left, open borders group Living United for Change in Arizona (LUCHA) showed loud, entitled activists pursuing Sinema into a bathroom at Arizona State University, where she was teaching a class.

“We need a Build Back Better Plan right now,” a male activist said as the group chased Sinema into the restroom, according to Fox.

The agitators continued to berate Sinema as she went inside a stall and didn’t let up when she exited the restroom, ignoring them. “We knocked down doors for you,” another activist, reportedly an undocumented migrant named Blanca, whined as she told a sob story about her legal status. “We need to hold you accountable,” she said, according to Fox.

Blanca continued to tell the story of her life to a cornered Sinema, saying, “I was brought here to the United States when I was 3 years old and in 2010 my grandparents both got deported because of S.B. 1070…and I’m here because I definitely believe that we need a pathway to citizenship.”

Biden whines, dismisses protesters

A clearly unmoved Biden glibly dismissed the appalling scene on Monday, saying it “happens to everybody,” as Fox noted. “The only people it doesn’t happen to are the people who have Secret Service standing around them,” Biden said. “So, it’s part of the process.”

The hyper-partisan moaned that Sinema was one of “two” senators holding up his plans to pass $3.5 trillion in spending unilaterally, the other being Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), who was also chased by protesters over the weekend, at his houseboat, Fox reported.

Sinema responded to the harassment Monday, calling it “not legitimate protest” in a statement.

“After deceptively entering a locked, secure building, these individuals filmed and publicly posted videos of my students without their permission — including footage taken of both my students and I using a restroom,” the senator said, according to Arizona’s ABC 15.

She also said that elected leaders have a “duty” to avoid “raising the temperature in political rhetoric and creating a permission structure for unacceptable behavior,” something Biden, who promised to govern as a moderate and “lower the temperature,” definitely isn’t doing.

The post ‘Not legitimate protest’: Sinema decries activists who followed her into bathroom first appeared on Conservative Institute.

‘Not legitimate protest’: Sinema decries activists who followed her into bathroom ‘Not legitimate protest’: Sinema decries activists who followed her into bathroom Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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