Another organized migrant caravan treks north through Mexico to US border: Report

Over the past several years, Americans have watched wave after wave of organized migrant caravans develop in Central America and then march north through Mexico toward the U.S southern border.

Unfortunately, another migrant caravan is trekking north to the U.S. border after breaking through an effort by Mexican police to block the group’s progress near that nation’s own southern border with Guatemala, Fox News reports.

This caravan reportedly numbers more than 2,000 and appears to be fairly well organized, with participants in the long march northward having registered via a QR code on their mobile phones or through a website in order to take part in the group’s journey.

New migrant caravan

Video footage was posted on social media Saturday of the caravan encountering a line of Mexican interior police decked out in riot gear and shields near the Mexican city of Tapachula, which is situated along the border between Mexico and Guatemala.

As can be seen in the footage, though, the center of that wall of riot cops did not hold up under pressure from the large group and eventually gave way, allowing the caravan to proceed northward following the brief delay.

Mexico is fine?

Fox News noted that, in response to the historic surge of migrants seeking entry at the U.S. border this year, the Biden administration has ignored its own actions and rhetoric as a cause for that surge and instead blamed “root causes” like poverty, corruption, and crime in the various home countries of the migrants.

The Biden administration’s proposed reaction is to shovel millions more in U.S. taxpayer dollars into the known corrupt and impoverished Central American nations, but according to one of the organizers of this current caravan, that money will have little or no impact on the problems and is simply a waste.

Instead, the organizer, Irineo Mujica, suggested that most of the migrants didn’t even want to reach the U.S. — but were beckoned by the clarion call of being allowed in by the Biden team — and would instead be satisfied if they were simply permitted to reside and work in Mexico.

“Not the solution”

“Money is not going to solve the problem, throwing it to governments like Mexico, where they put people from the south border to the northern border, is not the solution,” Mujica said while marching through Mexico. “They should give them papers here, they should give them the opportunity to work here.”

“Because a lot of them don’t want to be, go to the U.S., but the Biden administration, with this administration, it’s like, pulling them like cattle,” he added, going on to say that Mexico is a “good place” to live and work for the Central Americans participating in the caravan.

The post Another organized migrant caravan treks north through Mexico to US border: Report first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Another organized migrant caravan treks north through Mexico to US border: Report Another organized migrant caravan treks north through Mexico to US border: Report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on October 24, 2021 Rating: 5

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