Polls show Biden’s job approval rating continues to rapidly decline

President Joe Biden enjoyed high approval ratings through his 2020 campaign and the first several months of his presidency in large part thanks to a predominately supportive media that downplayed or ignored his failures and shortcomings.

That has changed in a noticeable way in recent weeks as Biden’s approval rating has plummeted and his disapproval rating has increased. His disastrous withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan seems to be a primary factor in that shift, Yahoo News reported.

Indeed, the latest Yahoo/YouGov poll showed that Biden’s approval had fallen to an all-time low in that particular survey since he first took office in January.

Approval takes a dive

That poll of 1,605 U.S. adults was conducted between Aug. 30 through Sept. 1, with a margin of error of 2.7%, and found that Biden’s approval had fallen to 44% while his disapproval had risen to 49%.

That is a fairly significant shift from what those figures were just two weeks prior when Biden’s approval stood at 47% compared to a 46% disapproval.

It is even more substantial when viewed against what his numbers were in May when Biden’s approval hit its highwater mark of 54% and his disapproval rating was at 37%.

Yahoo News noted that the responses to various questions within the most recent poll made it abundantly clear that, while a majority of Americans generally agreed that a withdrawal from Afghanistan was a necessary and good thing, the chaotic and ultimately bloody manner in which it was handled was disapproved of by an even greater majority.

Down across the board

Nor is President Biden’s precipitous drop in approval confined solely to the Yahoo/YouGov poll, but rather has been witnessed in multiple other polls and surveys conducted over the past few weeks.

That is evidenced by the RealClearPolitics average of polls, which currently has Biden underwater by 4.1 points in terms of his approval rating, with 45.2% approving of the job he is doing compared to 49.3% disapproving of the president’s performance.

Likewise, the statisticians at FiveThirtyEight have documented a similar decline of Biden’s approval rating and showed him dipping into negative territory at the end of August, where he currently remains with a 45.9% approval rating compared to a 48.4% disapproval rating.

Other factors

In a separate report from FiveThirtyEight last week, it was noted that while the Afghanistan debacle was certainly a prime mover of Biden’s approval numbers, it wasn’t the only factor at play in terms of the president’s declining approval and rising disapproval.

In addition to the situation in Afghanistan, Americans appear to have also grown increasingly dissatisfied with Biden’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the faltering economic recovery, particularly in terms of the surging delta variant and soaring inflation paired with stagnant job growth, respectively — none of which is set to improve much in the near future, meaning Biden’s numbers are likely to decline even further.

The post Polls show Biden’s job approval rating continues to rapidly decline first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Polls show Biden’s job approval rating continues to rapidly decline Polls show Biden’s job approval rating continues to rapidly decline Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 05, 2021 Rating: 5

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