Poll: Trump would beat Biden in hypothetical 2024 matchup

A new poll has found that former President Donald Trump would top current President Joe Biden in a hypothetical presidential election, Breitbart reports

The poll comes from Emerson College. It was taken between August 30th and September 1st. 1,200 registered voters participated, and the margin of error is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.

Trump would win

Among other things, participants were asked who they would favor in a hypothetical 2024 presidential election. Here, Trump beat Biden, 47 percent to 46 percent. 6 percent chose “someone else,” and 2 percent chose “undecided.”

The pollster also asked participants who they would pick in the 2024 Republican presidential primary. Trump, too, won this, hands down. If he is on the ticket, 67 percent would choose him, but, if not, then most voters – 32 percent – would go with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R).

DeSantis, though, according to the pollster would not have as good a chance against Biden as Trump would. DeSantis, in fact, according to the pollster, would actually lose in a matchup against Biden, by a margin of 12 percentage points.

That Trump is a favorite against other Republicans and against Biden is not that surprising as polls have consistently confirmed Trump’s popularity since he left the White House. It is a little surprising, however, that DeSantis wouldn’t do better against Biden.

“Something is wrong”

One thing that we have to remember is that Trump has yet to announce his 2024 candidacy, although recent statements both from him and his allies would suggest that it is a foregone conclusion that he will. What is not a foregone conclusion, however, is whether, if Trump runs, he will actually face off against Biden.

In a recent, wide-ranging interview with Breitbart, Trump did touch upon 2024. There, Trump was asked whether, if he does run for the U.S. presidency in 2024, he would prefer to face Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump didn’t directly answer the question. But, he did express doubts about whether Biden would actually run for reelection.

“I don’t think you’ll face Biden,” Trump said.

Trump’s argument was that age is not the problem for Biden but rather his apparent cognitive decline. He continued:

Biden is not an old man, by the way, but there’s something wrong. But he is not an old man—he’s going to be 79; that is not old. I know people that are much older than that, and they’re as sharp as they were 40 years ago. Biden is not an old person. They talk about age. If you’re in your 70s or even your 80s, I know so many people even in their 90s, like Bernie Marcus of Home Depot and so many others; they’re in their 90s and sharp as can be. But something is wrong. Something is going wrong there.

So, Trump said that he doesn’t expect Biden to run in 2024, although he added that he doesn’t like to predict such things this far in advance. What we don’t know is whether Trump would face Harris, if Biden doesn’t run. If so, it is likely that Trump would be a heavy favorite, considering Harris’s lack of popularity, although no polls have looked into a Trump v. Harris matchup.

The post Poll: Trump would beat Biden in hypothetical 2024 matchup first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Poll: Trump would beat Biden in hypothetical 2024 matchup Poll: Trump would beat Biden in hypothetical 2024 matchup Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on September 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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