Fauci faces mounting calls for his ouster following email dump: Report

Calls for Dr. Anthony Fauci to be fired are at a fever pitch after damning new emails surfaced revealing like never before that the public health official and media darling is not the humble, trustworthy public servant he has made himself out to be.

Among other insights, the documents, first revealed in reports from The Washington Post and BuzzFeed News, show that Fauci had high-level conversations in early 2020 about the possibility that the coronavirus originated in a laboratory in Wuhan, China, even as he publicly dismissed the so-called lab leak theory, Fox News notes.

What did Fauci know?

The newsworthy content of the emails has been ignored by those in the mainstream media, who for over a year have propped up Fauci as an unimpeachable authority figure. Still, as The Daily Wire reports, the messages make clear that Fauci, privately, basked in celebrity, even as he brazenly lied to the public.

In April, he marveled at an article about the cult of personality spreading around him. “It will blow your mind,” the doctor wrote, according to The Washington Post. “Our society is really totally nuts.” In another revealing exchange, Fauci blew off a warning that China was lying about coronavirus-related deaths, remarking, “[T]oo long for me to read.”

But Fauci’s emails on the origins of COVID-19 have received perhaps the most attention, owing to his role in dangerous and controversial “gain-of-function” research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In April, Fauci received a personal thank you from Peter Daszak — a key player in funding the research, which Fauci had signed off on — for helping to “dispel the myths” that the virus was manmade, according to Fox. Until recently, such speculation was dismissed as a wild “conspiracy” by the press.

Months before, on Jan. 31, Fauci had received a warning from a fellow researcher, Kristian Andersen, that there were signs the virus was engineered, reports noted.

“Tasks that must be done”

The following day, Fauci reportedly emailed his deputy, Hugh Auchincloss, saying, “It is essential that we speak this AM […] You will have tasks today that must be done.” Attached was a file titled “SARS Gain of function.pdf.” In the ensuing days, Fauci continued to discuss the origins of the virus with top associates.

One of those men, Jeremy Farrar of the charity Wellcome Trust, reportedly sent him an article speculating that the virus was a Chinese bioweapon and alluded to a critical decision that was being made by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the time, and whether they would “prevaricate” (that is, lie) to the public.

In another bombshell, Fauci said in a February email that masks are not effective at protecting people from catching the virus. “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material,” he said, according to Fox.

While portions of the emails remain redacted, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) says they show Fauci has clearly been misleading the American people and should be fired, as the New York Post notes. In the meantime, other Republicans are pushing for Fauci to be called to testify before Congress on what he may have been withholding from the public.

The post Fauci faces mounting calls for his ouster following email dump: Report first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Fauci faces mounting calls for his ouster following email dump: Report Fauci faces mounting calls for his ouster following email dump: Report Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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