Catholic Bishops vote to deny Biden communion

President Joe Biden could soon be denied communion through the Catholic church if an effort by a coalition of Bishops gainst the proper authority, according to The Washington Examiner.

According to the report, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops took time out of their Spring General Assembly to move forward with their effort to deny the president communion by voting on a document that would block pro-abortion rights politicians from partaking.

“It’s not the bishops who have brought us to this point — it’s some of our public officials. This is a Catholic president doing the most aggressive things we’ve ever seen on life at its most innocent,” said Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann during the debate Thursday.

The group voted earlier this week 168-55, with six abstentions, to pursue the creation of the educational document that would lay the groundwork for Biden and other pro-abortion Catholics to be denied the sacrament.

Language in the document could be finalized at their November meeting that would keep the second Catholic president and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from taking part in what Catholics believe to be the literal body and blood of Jesus.

The Bishops’ foundation for the document lies in their cannon that prohibits anyone from receiving the sacrament that denies Catholic teachings. Since the Catholic Church officially denounces abortion, many politicians would be in violation of their doctrines.

According to the Examiner’s report,  however, a person’s local bishop, who in this case is Washington, D.C., Archbishop Wilton Gregory, gets to make the final decision about who can and who can’t receive communion.

Gregory has indicated that he does not plan to deny Biden communion, however, as was evidenced by his comments when the president was first declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election:

“The choice before us at this moment is either we pursue a path of strengthening unity among ourselves or settle for creating a document that will not bring unity but may very well further damage it,” Gregory said during Thursday’s debate.

Pro-life issues have been close to the Catholic Church since the outset of the issue and pr0-life advocacy groups have found fast friends among Catholic organizations. Sanctity of life has joined unlikely friends, and could, in this case, win some unexpected enemies.

The measure has some avid opponents, however, and those who stand against denying the Eucharist to the president have cited the doctrine rule’s inconsistent application in the past:

Vatican Cardinal Luis Ladaria  wrote a letter in May saying, “It would be misleading if such a statement were to give the impression that abortion and euthanasia alone constitute the only grave matters of Catholic moral and social teaching,”

The post Catholic Bishops vote to deny Biden communion first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Catholic Bishops vote to deny Biden communion Catholic Bishops vote to deny Biden communion Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 19, 2021 Rating: 5

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