Biden spends Memorial Day weekend warning of ‘assault on democracy,’ voter integrity laws

Americans across the country marked Memorial Day weekend by gathering with their loved ones and cherishing the memory of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice while serving in uniform.

As the Washington Examiner reported, President Joe Biden marked the occasion by delivering a speech, however his choice of words likely left some listeners shaking their head.

“Between dreams of democracy and appetites for autocracy, which we’re seeing around the world. Our troops have fought this battle on fields around the world but also the battle of our time, and the mission falls to each of us each and every day,” the president said during his address at Arlington National Cemetery. “Democracy itself is in peril. Here at home and around the world.”

Biden calls out ballot integrity laws

As noted by the Examiner, Biden spent a large portion of his talk — and at other points over Memorial Day weekend — addressing alleged threats to American democracy, including voter integrity laws.

On Saturday, Biden condemned a piece of legislation in Texas that strengthens voter laws in the state, calling it an “assault on democracy.”

“Today, Texas legislators put forth a bill that joins Georgia and Florida in advancing a state law that attacks the sacred right to vote. It’s part of an assault on democracy that we’ve seen far too often this year — and often disproportionately targeting Black and Brown Americans,” Biden said.

The legislation would require voters to request absentee ballots, strengthen access for poll observers, and impose tougher penalties for poll workers who act improperly.

Biden has also opposed laws that would create a requirement for voters to present ID, something that polls consistently show is something most Americans favor.

Harris slammed for tweet

Biden is not the only member of his administration to make controversial remarks over Memorial Day weekend.

Vice President Kamala Harris was slammed for tweet on Saturday in which she told people to “enjoy the long weekend,” along with a grinning photo of herself but made no mention of the reason for the holiday.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (D-CA) responded to the tweet, saying, “Memorial Day weekend is a time to remember and express our gratitude to the men and women in uniform who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom,” adding, “It’s NOT just a long weekend.”

Former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley responded as well, calling the tweet “Unprofessional and unfit.”

The post Biden spends Memorial Day weekend warning of ‘assault on democracy,’ voter integrity laws first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Biden spends Memorial Day weekend warning of ‘assault on democracy,’ voter integrity laws Biden spends Memorial Day weekend warning of ‘assault on democracy,’ voter integrity laws Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on June 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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