For months, congressional Democrats have promoted a game-changing election reform bill that would fundamentally overhaul how elections are administered in the United States.
However, even with the resources that Democrats have pooled in an effort to pass the bill through Congress and ultimately on the president’s desk, more are beginning to come to the realization that Republicans, who overwhelmingly oppose the legislation, will ultimately prevail in blocking it from ever seeing the light of day, including Axios’ Jonathan Swan, according to Fox News.
Swan serves as Axios’ national political reporter, and in a recent interview on Fox News’ America’s Newsroom, he discussed the Democrat-led “For the People Act” and the likelihood of it gaining the traction required to make it the law of the land.
Swan: “No chance” H.R. 1 passes
Swan made clear in the interview that he believes there is “no chance that this bill gets the votes,” adding that he doesn’t see “any path for the type of sweeping federal voting rights reform that Democrats have prioritized.”
He argued that because of the Senate Republicans’ ability to invoke the Senate filibuster rule, a rule that Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) have both pledged to uphold, the legislation doesn’t have a realistic shot at passing.
“Unless someone can hypnotize Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema into flipping their very entrenched positions on the filibuster, none of this is going to happen,” Swan asserted.
“You have one party—the Democratic Party which supports a federal approach to voting laws and voting rights—overhauling and setting some standards at the federal level.”
Swan went on to add, “You have another party—the Republican Party which wants to do this at a state-by-state level, and you know those two things are incompatible.”
Poll tell an interesting story
The Axios reporter concluded that there doesn’t appear to be “any room for the two parties to compromise even though there are these issues, where out in the country there’s a lot of agreement.”
Some of the latest polling data suggest that many of the bill’s provisions are not popular with the American public, with a recent survey conducted by Monmouth University revealing that 80% of Americans favor mandatory voter ID laws. Only 18% of Americans oppose stricter voter ID laws.
The “For the People Act” would greatly reduce voter ID requirements, with many claiming that most of the provisions in the bill would heavily favor Democratic candidates in future elections and open up more possibilities for widespread voter fraud.
Given how close Democrats are to losing majority control in the House — and possibly the Senate — in the 2022 midterm elections, it’s no wonder hey they so heavily favor a foundation-rocking bill that would provide them a much-needed assist down the line.
The post Axios’ Jonathan Swan admits that the Democrat-led ‘For the People Act’ will fail first appeared on Conservative Institute.
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