Poll shows more than 4 in 10 voters would call Biden’s first 100 days in office a ‘failure’

In the 2020 election, now-President Joe Biden reportedly won more votes than any White House hopeful in U.S. history. But it seems that popularity hasn’t carried over into his presidency.

A new poll from Rasmussen indicates that a plurality of voters consider Biden’s first 100 days in office to be a “failure.”

Biden’s first 100 days

The poll, taken April 27–28, surveyed 1,000 likely voters on questions including: “Have President Biden’s first 100 days been a success, a failure, or somewhere in between?”

On that inquiry, just 36% of those surveyed said Biden had so far been a “success.” According to a report from Breitbart, 44% of those polled by Rasmussen called Biden’s first 100 days a “failure,” while 18% characterized them as “somewhere in between.”

Two percent of respondents said they weren’t sure.

The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points, and a confidence level of 95%, Rasmussen said.

Living up to expectations?

Respondents were also asked by Rasmussen whether Biden has proven to be a “better president or a worse president” than expected. On that question, just 26% said better. Again, a plurality — 39% — said he’d been “worse” so far, while about a third said that Biden has performed as expected.

According to Breitbart, the results all came down along party lines.

Indeed, on the question over Biden’s first 100 days, about 75% of Republican respondents — or 3 in 4 — said they’d been a failure, compared to just 16% of Democrats polled.

On whether Biden has proven to be a worse president than expected, 60% of Republicans, as opposed to 17% of Democrats, indicated so, according to Breitbart.

The border problem

Probably what stands out most about Biden’s first 100 days as leader of the free world are the changes that he has made in the area of immigration. The Biden White House and his Department of Homeland Security, currently headed by Alejandro Mayorkas, have reversed as many of former President Donald Trump’s policies on border security as possible, and many argue that these rollbacks are directly responsible for the ongoing crisis at the U.S.–Mexico border.

Notable, recent polls have indicated that Americans are not satisfied with Biden’s handling of illegal immigration. What’s more, Fox News reports that 56% of respondents to a recent survey believe the recent “increase of migrants trying to enter the U.S. is ‘completely’ or ‘mostly’ happening because Biden won the election.”

The post Poll shows more than 4 in 10 voters would call Biden’s first 100 days in office a ‘failure’ first appeared on Conservative Institute.

Poll shows more than 4 in 10 voters would call Biden’s first 100 days in office a ‘failure’ Poll shows more than 4 in 10 voters would call Biden’s first 100 days in office a ‘failure’ Reviewed by The News on Donal Trump on May 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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